New England mobilizes for March 20 in D.C.!

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New England mobilizes for March 20 in D.C.!

New England anti-war conference, 01-30-2010
Photo: Jon Flanders

Almost 400 people attended a New England regional anti-war conference in Cambridge, Mass., on Jan. 30. Attendees came from every state in New England as well as upstate New York. The conference was sponsored by New England United and endorsed by dozens of organizations, including the ANSWER Coalition.

Throughout the day, the conference was buzzing about the March 20 National March on Washington. Organizing is underway and will continue to grow throughout the New England region, with eight transportation centers already confirmed in Boston and Pittsfield, Mass.; Portland and Bangor, Maine; New Haven, New London and Mansfield, Conn.; and Providence, R.I. Many activists from other areas of the region, including Worcester, Mass.; Durham, N.H.; and Burlington, Vt.; expressed serious desire to organize transportation from their areas.

The culmination of the day-long conference was an organizing session featuring the March 20 National March on Washington, led by organizers from the ANSWER Coalition and the National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations. Many in attendance, including several high school and college students, filled out contact cards to get involved in March 20 organizing in their respective areas and schools.

The conference's March 20 organizing session reflected the broad base of support for the action and highlighted its growing momentum.

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