New Haven and Chicago events for Women's Equality Day

New Haven, Conn.
Celebrate Women's Equality Day - Defend Reproductive Rights!

Saturday, Aug. 27 at 9:00 a.m.
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England (345 Whitney Ave)

Click here to RSVP on Facebook

nh.jpgJoin WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend) and the New Haven community to support our local clinic! Defend patients and workers against harassment from anti-choice bigots! Celebrate women's equality day in the streets and stand up for reproductive health!

This week is Women's Equality Day -- a celebration of the hard-fought struggle for women's suffrage that was won in 1918. Today, almost 100 years later, women have made many gains in the struggle for equality. But the struggle for full equality continues. We need your help keeping our community safe: no one deserves to be harassed while accessing healthcare.

WORD and the New Haven community stand firmly with Planned Parenthood and all reproductive health clinics. We won't back down as long as the right to choose is under attack!

Volunteers NEEDED! If you want to help, contact:
[email protected] or 203-787-8232

Chicago, Ill.
Women Speaking Out for Justice & Power!

Saturday, Aug. 27 at 6:00 p.m.
4802 N. Broadway St. 2nd floor

Click here to RSVP on Facebook

chicago.jpgJoin us on Women's Equality Day to listen and interact with speakers directly involved in the day to day fight for women's liberation. Our struggle for liberation, justice and power is a central part of all the important struggles of workers and the oppressed. Those struggles include the fight against racism, poverty, homophobia and all forms of oppression that seek to divide us. As women we stand united in the struggle for equality for all and we will not be divided by the racists, the 1% or the warmongers.

Talks will include:

  • Black women's leadership and involvement in the Movement for Black Lives by Ashanti Lumpkin, NAACP President at Whitney Young High School and BLMChi Youth organizer
  • The struggle for immigrant rights with Ana Santoyo, ANSWER Chicago co-coordinator and organizer of August 6 march for justice and power
  • The history of Women's Equality Day by Lauren McGowen, student and W.O.R.D. (Women Organized to Resist and Defend) activist
  • Women in the labor movement, our stories and the need to be organized by Hope, a labor organizer
  • Fight for and defend reproductive rights: the demands and history of struggle by Beth Massey, long time activist for women's rights

$5 donation. No one turned away for lack of funds.

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