Defend Cuba and the Cuban 5: Feb. 24 in Washington, DC

The message below is being circulated by the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. The ANSWER Coalition encourages all its supporters to attend this event and spread the word.

Sun., Feb. 24, 9:00 am - 
Support Cuba and the Cuban Five

Join us at the Cuban Interests Section,
Washington, D.C. 
Please join the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, the ANSWER Coalition, the DC-Metro Coalition to Free the Five, the All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party and others at the Cuban Interests Section this Sunday to defend Cuban sovereignty as we demand:

U.S. hands off Cuba! Free the Cuban Five! 
End the U.S. blockade! 
Freedom to travel to Cuba for U.S. residents! 

This Sunday, a broad range of groups and individuals will join together for an all-day rally at the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, D.C. to defend Cuba against a  reactionary group which will be holding an anti-Cuba protest. Our demonstration in support of Cuba will begin at 9 am and will last all day, but please come by whenever you can and stay for as long as you like. Bring signs and banners.

Location: in front of the Cuban Interests Section at 2630 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C., near the corner of Fuller just south of Columbia Rd. The nearest Metro station is the Columbia Heights Metro-Green line at 14th & Irving, 4 blocks away.   
Why Feb. 24?

February 24 is an important day in revolutionary Cuban history:

* In 1895 an anti-colonial war of independence began near Santiago, only to be cut short by U.S. military occupation known as the Spanish-American War

* On Feb. 24, 1996, Cuba defended its sovereignty by shooting down two of three planes organized by violent Florida-based paramilitaries who frequently, intentionally and provocatively violated Cuban airspace - even dangerously dropping materials over cities. Cuba's justifiable defense was twisted by the Miami courts to falsely charge Gerardo Hernandez, one of the Cuban Five, railroading him to a double-life plus 15 years prison term.  

And if you're in D.C., don't forget -

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7:00 pm at the University of Maryland, College Park campus (Nyumburu Cultural Center)

Panel Discussion on the Cuban Five

featuring: * Bill Norris, trial and appeals attorney for Ramón Labañino * Kurt Schmoke, former dean, currently General Counsel, Howard Univ. School of Law * Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report * Brian Becker, coordinator, ANSWER Coalition * José Pertierra, attorney for Venezuela in Posada extradition matter
National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Tel: 415-821-6545

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