Baltimore Bus Ticket to the Protest to Support Palestine in D.C.

March 26, 2017 at 10:30am - 6:30pm
Bus pick-up
1578 Maryland Ave
Baltimore, MD 21201
United States
Google map and directions

Bus departure location: The Baltimore, Maryland bus will depart from 1578 Maryland Ave., between W Lanvale and W Oliver Streets.

Bus departure time: The bus departure time is 10:30 am sharp - please arrive no later than 10:15 am. The bus will return to this same location at approximately 6:30 pm.

Stores and restrooms: There are cafes, gift shops and restrooms nearby in Penn Station, located at 1500 N Charles St., where you may purchase food and use the restroom before departure. If you plan to do this, please arrive early and plan accordingly.

Parking: There is plenty of street parking in this area that is free and legal for the day. You may also park in the parking lot next to Penn Station for a fee. The parking lot is located at 21 E Lanvale St., and is open 24 hours a day.

Andrew ·
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