Protest Israeli War Crimes and Netanyahu’s Speech to a Joint Session of Congress Tuesday, March 3 at the U.S. Capitol Building


Tuesday, March 3

8:00 a.m.

Upper Senate Park (U.S. Capitol Building)

The ANSWER Coalition is joining with a coalition of organizations to protest outside as Israeli Prime Minister and notorious war criminal Binyamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 3.

Netanyahu has presided over many massacres of Palestinians, the latest in Gaza last summer that killed more than 2,100 women, men and children, wounded more than 10,000, and left hundreds of thousands homeless. The massive theft of and settlement on Palestinian land in the West Bank continues every day. Much of this death, destruction and dispossession is paid for by our tax dollars, billions of which flow to Israel every year.

The invitation to Netanyahu - made by House Speaker John Boehner - is an outrage that should be protested and rejected by all people who stand for justice.

You can support the March 3 action by:

1)      Endorsing the protest – email in your endorsement to [email protected]

2)      Click here to make a generous, tax-deductible donation to support the organizing

3)      Helping to spread the word online and through social media. RSVP and share the Facebook event

4)      Joining us at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, March 3

The March 3 demonstration protesting Netanyahu's speech before Congress will follow three days of actions in support of Palestinian rights coinciding with the annual meeting of AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee). The actions are being sponsored by a broad coalition and a detailed schedule can be found below.

While Netanyahu, Boehner and the Democrats opposing this particular trip all have their partisan motivations, there is a deeper and more sinister agenda behind the invitation, namely the intensifying campaign against Iran by powerful interests in U.S. ruling circles.

Boehner specifically invited the rabidly anti-Iranian Netanyahu to lecture Congress on the so-called “danger” from Iran and in support of imposing even tighter sanctions on that country. The aim is to derail the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear power program that are at a critical stage.

Iran has stated that additional sanctions would mean an end to the negotiating process. Such an outcome could lead to a new U.S. or U.S.-Israeli war against Iran, something that Netanyahu as well as many in Washington clearly desire.

Join us on March 3 to say:

  • No to War Criminal Netanyahu
  • No New War on Iran
  • End the Colonial Occupation of Palestine
  • End U.S. Aid to Israel!

Email [email protected] to endorse!

Click here to make a generous, tax-deductible donation to support the organizing.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

1:00 PM Know Your Rights/Civil Disobedience Training at the CODEPINK house (1241 Evarts Street NE, Washington D.C)

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM -  #OneStruggle at Trinity Lutheran Church
First Trinity lutheran church is located at the corner of E and 4th NW, Washington D.C.

Join Human Rights lawyer Noura Erakat; Legal and Policy Director and Founder of Dream Defenders Ahmed Abuznaidi; Native American activist and Founder of Indigenous Resistance Andrew Curley; and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organizer Tareq Radi to discuss discuss the similarities among anti-colonial struggles across the globe and the goal of strength through unity. Facebook event RSVP.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

12:00 - 3:00PM Rally at the Washington Convention Center

Converge on the Washington Convention Center with creative visuals and speakers, including founder of Boycott from Within Ronnie Barkan; Organizers from Ferguson Tef Poe and Tara Thompson; founder of the Dream Defenders Ahmad Abuznaid; and Friends of Sabeel representative and Jewish Voice for Peace organizer Ariel Gold. 

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM AIPAC 101 at Busboys and Poets on 5th and K

Join Miko Peled and Philip Giraldi  to discuss AIPAC’s political power and how best to counter it. Facebook event RSVP.

Monday, March 2, 2015

6:00 PM Protest at the Washington Convention Center

Join activists to protest Israel’s crimes and call out visiting Prime Minister Netanyahu for his government’s policies of occupation, apartheid, and warmongering

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

  • 8:00am ANSWER Coalition protest of Netanyahu's speech will be held in the Upper Senate Park
  • After ANSWER protest: March to Speaker Boehner's office (1011 Longworth House Building) to say shame on him! for inviting Netanyahu to Washington!
  • 9:30am-4pm Lobby day with CODEPINK!!! Swing by the House Rayburn Cafeteria to pick up materials.
  • 4:00-6:00 Jewish Voice for Peace protest of Netanyahu's Speech at the Capitol Building on the West Lawn

Sponsors include:

Answer Coalition, Humanity for Palestine, US Campaign to End The Israeli Occupation, Students for Justice in Palestine East, Jews for a Just Peace for Palestinians, Friends of Sabeel North America, Boycott from Within, Answer Coalition, United States Palestinian Community Network, Just Foreign Policy, If Americans Knew, Palestine Advocacy Project.

Click here to visit the Shut Down AIPAC page on the website of CODEPINK 

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