Help Ramona Africa fight for her life

The ANSWER Coalition urges its supporters to help Ramona Africa, a tireless fighter for freedom for political prisoners, and justice and liberation for all people. Below is an update from the MOVE organization about her condition, as well as an upcoming event where people can show their support.


The MOVE Organization's Minister of Communications Ramona Africa, the sole survivor of the May 13, 1985 Holocaust that murdered 11 men, women and children, has been gravely ill for the past few months.

She has been hospitalized due to complications from post-traumatic stress disorder that resulted in a stroke. During her diagnosis, it was discovered that Ramona also has cancer.

“Ramona’s disease is a direct result of the on-going war waged on our Move Family by this government,” said Pam Africa. “Two of our family members died in prison under suspicious circumstances termed 'cancer'. Now Ramona is diagnosed with 'cancer' and once again, she’s battling to be a survivor. We are standing strong and fighting for the proper medical care for our sister.”

The hospital has informed the MOVE Family that Ramona’s insurance will no longer cover her hospital and therapy bills, and that she will be released from both hospital and therapy unless she can pay the bills herself. To that end, a GoFundMe page has be established to raise money for her care.

Click here to donate to help cover her medical expenses

The MOVE Family will provide details on Ramona’s medical diagnosis and what is needed for her care and recovery. Your coverage is encouraged.


We have some great news for all our supporters and sympathizers - Ramona’s oncologist has tested her and found that all of the cancer is gone. He said, and to quote him, “it’s amazing!” It is amazing and LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER!! This is just another example among many that’s showing the power in MOVE LAW, JOHN AFRICA. Move talks about it all the time, but sometimes people need to see an example, and that’s when THE COORDINATOR comes through with a powerful example, like the custody case in 2003, and now this example with Ramona that reminds Move and our Supporters “THE POWER OF TRUTH IS FINAL, LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA!!


To all of our loyal supporters, here is an update on Ramona’s health. Her insurance has once again cut her off and the family has to pay out of pocket [gofundme pocket] for 4 additional weeks of skilled nursing care and therapy that will cost $4,580 per week, totaling $18,320 for 1 month; we still have an outstanding bill of $11,000 that we owe from August [we make monthly payments on this]. We are considering having an outside chairlift for Ramona if she’s able to come home. It will cost $5,000 - $7,000, Ramona will also need a care-giver and a nurse for 3 days a week. Possibly, she’ll need an outside therapy clinic we’ve had recommended to us, for stroke rehabilitation. All this will be more costly than the family can afford. We’re asking for more support, if you can and will, please. Ramona needs help from all of us, supporters We not only need monetary donations, but voluntary nurses and/or therapist, as well as fund raisers; all is needed and helpful!We’re optimistic about the cancer, we will know more soon,hopefully. Ramona thanks all of you for your outpouring of love loyalty and support, she reads all of your cards, letters and she knows how much all of you love her and are contributing, on all levels, in support of her. Thank You all! ONA MOVE, LONG LIVE RAMONA, LONG LIVE REVOLUTION, LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA FOREVER AND LONG LIVE MOVE SUPPORTERS!!

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