Without the mobilization of people in the streets throughout the country, the reactionary and racist forces that pushed this law through in Arizona would have succeeded.
on Updates & Analysis
by Answer Coalition
· July 26, 2010 8:00 PM
On July 28, the night before SB 1070 takes effect, ANSWER and other community organizations will gather in Phoenix for a march and rally. ANSWER is also mobilizing for the July 29 actions organized by Alto Arizona and others.
On July 22, more than 1,500 hotel workers and their supporters marched from the Four Seasons in downtown San Francisco to the Grand Hyatt in protest against the hotel management for refusing to negotiate a decent contract.
on Updates & Analysis
by Answer Coalition
· July 20, 2010 8:00 PM
A spirited demonstration took place this morning in front of the U.S. Department of Agriculture denouncing the forced resignation/firing of Shirley Sherrod by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.
Despite a climate of fear created by city officials, more than one thousand people converged in Oakland after the verdict came down in the Oscar Grant case on July 9.
on Updates & Analysis
by Answer Coalition
· July 06, 2010 8:00 PM
BP and the government are working hand in hand to suppress the media and others from telling the truth about the nature and extent of the catastrophic damage caused by BP’s criminal negligence.