Car caravans around U.S. demand end to the blockade on Cuba
North, south, east and west, activists across the country gathered for car caravans and rallies demanding the end of the U.S. blockade of Cuba.
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The Real Story: Iraq War Veteran: "War Crimes Fueled Iraqi & GI Resistance"
March 19 marks the 18th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The catastrophic warfare that followed claimed the lives of over a million Iraqis, led to the death or life-altering injury of tens thousands of U.S. service members, and sowed chaos throughout the Middle East.
Brian is joined by Mike Prysner, the producer of The Empire Files. Mike is also a co-host of the podcast Eyes Left, a podcast hosted by two anti-war Army veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Mike was a soldier serving in the U.S. military during the Iraq invasion, and went on to become an anti-war leader who organized soldiers and veterans to resist the Pentagon war machine.
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Brian Becker on Debates & Political Struggles Within the Anti-War Movement: From Gulf War to Today
Brian Becker reviews the history of heated debate within the socialist movement over the necessity of taking a principled, anti-imperialist position in opposition to the U.S. war machine. Almost 18 years ago, George W. Bush launched the invasion of Iraq, a conflict that would ultimately take the lives of over a million Iraqis. Whether and how to oppose this war -- and others like the 1991 Gulf War or the 2011 war on Libya -- has been a persistent topic of debate.
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