Demonstrators gathered in front of the Massachusetts State House on Saturday, Feb. 12 to protest the "Secure Communities" racial profiling program targeting immigrant communities.
On Saturday, February 12, people from across Massachusetts will come together at the State House to fight against the anti-immigrant and racist “Secure Communities” program. Find out more about the Feb. 12 action and sign the petition against this racist program!
On Saturday, February 12, people from across Massachusetts will come together at the State House to fight against the anti-immigrant and racist “Secure Communities” program. Find out more about the Feb. 12 action and sign the petition against this racist program!
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently announced its intention to sign onto "Secure Communities", a national anti-immigrant initiative. In Suffolk County, two out of three of those deported through "S-Comm" were considered "non-criminals". Join us in the struggle against the criminalization of undocumented workers!