A group of Gambian protestors led by the Democratic Union of Gambian Activists (DUGA) gathered outside the Department of Justice on Jan. 26 to demand the release Gambian activists, Papa Faal and Cherno Njie
The news that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency carried out a meticulously planned terrorist car bombing in Damascus, Syria, in February 2008 appeared on the front page of the Jan. 31, 2015, Washington Post. It was an outrageous action in the capital of a sovereign state
The following speech was given by Cuban President Raul Castro at the summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, held in Costa Rica, on Jan. 28, 2015. It deals with pressing issues facing Cuba and Latin America.
A series of events will be held just as the ongoing U.S. war in Iraq -- recently restarted in a new form -- passes the 12-year mark since the March 2003 invasion
Opposition leaders continue to call for popular resistance to stand up to the Martelly/Paul de facto regime as well as to the imperialist nations which support it against the manifest will of Haiti’s majority
Dec. 17, 2014, was an historic day for Cuba. On that morning, the three remaining Cuban Five members in U.S. prison flew home to freedom.
No one can deny the transcendence of the announcement of December 17th. It would be a mistake, however, to ignore that there is still a long, winding way to go.
In a stomach-churning display of sanctimoniousness, imperialist world leaders marched shoulder to shoulder in false "solidarity" with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre
There is a dovetailing between the interests of the international, national, and regional capitalist elites mediated by their particular relationship to the world market
Recently, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro sent an offer to swap far-right opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez in exchange for Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, who has been locked up in U.S. federal prisons for 33 years