Reaping the harvest of decades of struggle for equal rights, 18 states and the District of Columbia now recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry, most recently New Mexico and Utah
ANSWER statement of solidarity with the Syracuse University Trans* community in the face of bigoted vandalism against the "Trans* Lives Matter" campaign.
From taxes to spending cuts that eviscerate services for the working class, the Tea Party program has become an accepted part of the bipartisan consensus, with the full assent of President Obama.
The Obama administration is furiously rushing to war. The people's movement is mobilizing at an equally intense pace to stop it. Will you help us right now?
ANSWER events across the country on Feb. 9: Lyrical Revolt in New York City, Black History Month film showing in San Francisco and office farewell party in Los Angeles
LA Updates
Answer Coalition
· November 10, 2011 7:00 PM
Join workers, students, activists and poor people on Nov. 19 for a Socialism Conference in Los Angeles. It will take place from 10am-4pm at LACC.
Since the ANSWER Coalition was formed, our Bay Area office has been located at 2489 Mission Street in San Francisco. The office has served us well, but we have outgrown it and it is limiting our potential for growth. Now we have taken a long-term lease on a much larger space, at a comparable rent.