NYC Film Showing: Women & Revolutionary Change
ANSWER Coalition Monthly Film Showing Double feature: "Women & Revolutionary Change" This Friday, January 19, 7:00 pm 2295 Adam Clayton Powell (at 135th St.) Take the 2/3 or B/C to 135th St. 212-694-8720 With Babies And Banners The victory of the Great General Motors Sit-Down Strike in Flint, Michigan, in 1937 was the key to the success of the CIO's drive for industrial unionism.
Third Communique of the Mexican chapter of In Defense of Humanity
Nov. 1, 2006 Third Communique of the Mexican chapter, In Defense of Humanity To all the international networks, To all the organizations: political, social, labor, Indigenous, human rights and of civil society, To all the peoples of the world: In view of the police-military occupation of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, it is urgent to keep up the protests and pressure at the Mexican embassies and consular offices in your respective countries.
Listing of Protests in Defense of the People of Oaxaca
Last updated: Oct. 30, 6pm EDT! LIST OF PROTESTS to DEFEND the PEOPLE of OAXACA! Mexican consulates and embassies all over the world will be kept closed by protests on Monday morning, October 30. Below is a list of the protest information we've received so far.
Friday, Oct. 13 Film Showing: Favela Rising
Friday, Oct. 13 Film Showing: Favela Rising How music and dance fueled a movement Join us : Friday, Oct. 13, 7:00 pm 2295 Adam Clayton Powell (At 135th St.) Take the 2/3 or B/C to 135th $5 donation requested, no one turned away for lack of funds FAVELA RISING documents a man and a movement, a city divided and a favela united.
Fundraiser for Yoomi Jeong
Fundraiser for Yoomi Jeong The Korean-American community and other progressive organizations and individuals are coming together to show solidarity with Yoomi Jeong, General Secretary of the Korea Truth Commission.
Stop the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement!
The Global Fight Continues… Stop the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement! Seattle, Washington, September 6 - September 9 The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is one of many organizations across the U.S. endorsing and mobilizing for the September 6-9 Week of Protests in Seattle opposing the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement during the third round of negotiations that will be taking place that week.
South Korean riot police storm peaceful press conference
Activists protest U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement South Korean riot police storm peaceful press conference By Brian Becker, Seoul The author is the National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism - http://www.
Thanks for participating
Thanks for taking action and demanding that the charges be dropped against anti-racist protesters! Your message has been sent to the Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County Attorneys. Click here to return to the ANSWER homepage.
Feb. 26, NYC: Educational Forum on the Middle East
ANSWER Educational Forum The Expanding U.S. War Drive in the Middle East Richard Becker, ANSWER West Coast Coordinator, reports back from Syria Protesters in Syria Sunday, February 26, 2 pm A.N.S.W.E.
Stop the Union-Busting Attacks on the Transit Workers!
Click here for all ANSWER statements and flyers on the strike! Tell Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Pataki, and Attorney General Spitzer : Stop the Union-Busting Attacks on the Transit Workers! Return to the Bargaining Table, Workers Deserve a Fair Contract! Send a Letter to Bloomberg, Pataki, and Spitzer Pataki, Bloomberg, and MTA President Deliberately Provoked Strike Myths & Facts on the Strike It is clear that New York state Governor Pataki, New York City Mayor Bloomberg and MTA President Kalikow, on behalf of New York City bankers, intentionally provoked a strike of the Transit Workers' Union Local 100.