Historic Victory at Oakland Port Israeli Ship Blocked from Unloading
Historic Victory at Oakland Port - Israeli Ship Blocked from Unloading In a historic action and unprecedented action today, over 800 labor and community activists blocked the gates of the Oakland docks in the early morning hours, prompting longshore workers to refuse to cross the picketlines where they were scheduled to unload an Israeli ship.
Ten facts about Israel's massacre of the Gaza aid flotilla
TEN FACTS About Israel's Massacre of The Gaza Freedom Flotilla 1. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla is an international aid project whose objective is to end the three-year-long Israeli blockade that has created a vast humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Palestine.
Mumia Abu-Jamal comments on new book "Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire"
Mumia Abu-Jamal gives a cogent analysis of the current so-calleddispute between the U.S. and Israel. Click here to hear Mumia's radioaddress (3 minutes) on the issue. He cites Richard Becker's new book"Palestine, Israel and the U.
Take Action: Support the Irvine 11
Take Action to Support Student Protesters Who Stood Up for Palestine DROP ALL CHARGES AGAINST THE IRVINE 11 Speaking Out for Justice Is a Right! Last week, students peacefully protested Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, during a speech at UC Irvine.