ANSWER stands against all expressions of bigotry
ANSWER stands against all expressions of bigotry Exposing FOX News's false and ugly smear campaign against this movement The following is a statement from ANSWER-FL The right wing and racist media, especially the notorious FOX News are mounting a smear campaign in an attempt to demonize and mischaracterize the mass movement that has grown up in the United States to protest the U.
Transportation to DC on January 10th
If you are organizing transportation to Washington, D.C., please fill out the Transportation Form . This will allow others to find out about transportation options, and it will ensure that you receive important logistical information regarding the plans for Saturday.
Momentum Builds for Jan. 10 March on Washington for Gaza
Momentum Grows for the LET GAZA LIVE National March on Washington Saturday, January 10 Assemble at the White House (north side) at 1:00 PM New Sponsors ~ Endorse ~ Organize Transportation A man carries his wounded child into a hospital in Gaza City.
The ground invasion of Gaza has begun - Take to the streets!
Please post this event on your Facebook and MySpace pages, and forward it widely to your friends and family. The ground invasion of Gaza has begun - Take to the streets! National Emergency Plan of Action After heavy artillery firing by Israel into Gaza neighborhoods, a massive troop invasion has begun.
Demonstrations Across the U.S. and Around the World Demand an End to the Bombing and Seige of Gaza
Demonstrations Across the U.S. and Around the World Demand an End to the Bombing and Seige of Gaza Over 5,000 protestors march in front of the White House. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in scores of U.
San Francisco Nakba-60, Palestine Peace and Solidarity Festival
The Local Nakba Committee and the Palestine Right to Return Coalition Present Nakba-60, Palestine Peace and Solidarity Festival MAY 10TH 2008, 12-6pm CIVIC CENTER, SAN FRANCISCO We invite you to commemorate 60 years of struggle and resistance on the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, Arabic for "catastrophe" and marks the expulsion, dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.
Join the DC Solidarity Rally for Nakba! The Palestinian Catastrophe
Stop the U.S./Israeli War Against the Palestinian People Free Palestine! End the Occupation Now! Join the Solidarity Rally for Nakba! The Palestinian Catastrophe Over a Half-Century of Oppression and Dispossession Friday, May 16 4:00 pm Lafayette Park North side of the White House in Washington, D.
Sixth International Convention of Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition
Sixth International Al-Awda Convention May 16-May 18, 2008 in Anaheim, California We repost the following press release from Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition. More information is available at http://al-awda.
Endorsing Organizations for the September 6-9 Seattle protests against KORUS
Endorsing Organizations for the September 6-9 Seattle protests against the KORUS Free Trade Agreement Local: A. Philip Randolph Institute (Seattle Chapter), African Youth United, American Friends Service Committee (Seattle), Anakbayan Seattle, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (AFL-CIO, Seattle Chapter), BAYAN USA NW, Comité Pro-Amnistía y Justicia Social, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)-Seattle, Community Alliance for Global Justice, Community to Community, Concerned Womyn for Human Rights in the Philippines, Jobs with Justice (WA State), National Asian Pacific Women's Forum, Legacy of Equality, Leadership, and Organizing (LELO), Philippine-US Solidarity Organization, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN), Reclaim the Media, Seattle International Human Rights Coalition, Seattle Young People’s Project, Washington Fair Trade Coalition National and International: Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition (A.
Important Update on August 12 - Now a Global Day of Action
Important Update on August 12 - Now a Global Day of Action Stop the Attacks on Lebanon and Palestine "From Michigan, people are preparing to march on Washington DC in large numbers this Saturday, August 12.