Our rights do not require the approval of elected officials. The planned protest for Dec. 23 continues. #ShutDown5thAve
Calling for an end to the epidemic of racist police murder, demonstrators shut down San Francisco’s Market Street, in the heart of the city’s shopping district, for more than two hours on Saturday, Dec. 6, following a militant march from the Mission District.
In San Francisco on Dec. 6, hundreds marched for an end to the racist epidemic of police murders and for justice for Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Alex Nieto, Tamir Rice and the hundred of others.
The ANSWER Coalition joins with the thousands in the streets demanding justice for Eric Garner
Hundreds took to the streets in Los Angeles, marching many miles from Leimert Park to LA City Hall. The following testimonies occurred in Leimert Park during a passionate rally just before the march began.
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) condemned President Obama’s appointment of Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, former chief of D.C. police from 1998 to 2007, to co-lead a presidential task force on militarized police tactics and equipment.
Incredibly, as 2014 draws to a close, we are witnessing the re-intensification of the seemingly endless U.S. war in the Middle East, and a deepening of the complex crises that previous interventions have inflicted on the long suffering peoples of the region.
Photos from the demonstrations on Nov. 24 and 25 in Washington, D.C. demanding justice for Mike Brown
Righteous anger has erupted in Ferguson and St. Louis after the sham grand jury called for no indictment of Darren Wilson for the murder of Mike Brown.
Protesters take to the streets in cities across the country in outrage at the grand jury's decision to not indict racist cop Darren Wilson for the Murder of Mike Brown