Join us for a month full of activities dealing with mass incarceration, police brutality and the international connections of the Black liberation movement.
Dr. King's name is now synonymous with the Civil Rights Movement, but he is rarely remembered for his critique of the U.S. economic system and his view that mass social movements were needed to continue to transform society
A counter-demonstration on Oct. 19 prevented neo-Nazis from rallying in Philadelphia despite an aggressive police escort protecting the racists
A new campaign, Change the Name Now, was recently launched by activists in Washington, D.C. It is demanding that Washington's NFL team change its racist name.
Author and ANSWER organizer Eugene Puryear analyzes the monstrous U.S. prison system in his new book "Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America." Order today!
On Aug. 24, over 200,000 people from across the country gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
The ANSWER Coalition distributed placards honoring Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy of opposition to war and support for economic rights
Participants in the demonstration to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington share their thoughts
For the last month, activists led by the Dream Defenders have taken over the office of Florida Gov. Rick Scott to demand action to stop the war on Black and Brown youth
Grand jury refusal to indict NYPD officer Richard Haste for the murder of Ramarley Graham prompts outraged community response