Powerful Vets Video Promotes March 20 Demonstration
Help Anti-War Veterans Spread the Word: Send this Amazing Video Everywhere Join veterans and service members as they take to the streets on March 20! Please watch and share this powerful video with everyone you know! Join March Forward! and other veterans, active duty service members and military families on March 20 in DC, LA and SF as we say "No War for Empire!" Help spread the word: Dear ANSWER friend , In March of 2003, I was sent to invade Iraq amidst the largest anti-war demonstrations in history, with an equally senseless war already being waged in Afghanistan.
Video from KRON 4 of Oct. 27 preparations
Coverage of Oct. 27 preparations from The KRON 4 News broadcast last Saturday evening featured a story on the preparations for the October 27 demonstration. Click on the image below to view the video (click twice on the arrow): Click on the arrow in the center of the image two times to play.
Video and photos of "Camp Casey" in Crawford, Texas
Video and photos of "Camp Casey" in Crawford, Texas On Saturday, August 13, Gloria La Riva of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition traveled to Crawford, Texas, to participate in the demonstrations taking place there daily.