A few days ago, we made an urgent appeal asking for funds. We need to raise $50,000 as seed money for the September 24 mass mobilization. Many people have responded but we are not there yet. In the last few days we have received significant media coverage (see below) and we now have more than 3,300 endorsers. We ask you to make a generous donation now to help keep up the momentum. The expenses are great, but the commitment of all of us to build a mass antiwar movement can guarantee our success. To make a contribution through a secure server, where you can also find information on how to contribute by check, please click here.
Excerpts from the Washington Post Antiwar Demonstration Planned for Fall Antiwar demonstrators announced plans yesterday to stage protests in Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco in September. The Act Now to Stop War and End Racism coalition said it expects to draw more than 100,000 protesters to the three cities in demonstrations Sept. 24. ANSWER plans to "surround the White House with a sea of antiwar protesters," Brian Becker, the coalition's national coordinator, said at a news conference at the National Press Club. |
Coverage of A.N.S.W.E.R.’s September 24 press conference was reported in more than 100 media outlets. In addition to the Washington Post, CBS Radio, Associated Press, UPI (United Press International), AFP (Agence France-Presse), many newspapers, television and radio outlets based their coverage on the wire stories, including:
- 9NEWS, Denver, CO (TV)
- ABC News
- Boston Globe (Print)
- Centre Daily Times, State College, PA (Print)
- Charlotte Observer, Charlotte, NC (print)
- Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, Columbus, OH (Print)
- Dateline Alabama, AL (Print)
- Duluth News Tribune, Duluth, MN (Print)
- Fort Worth Start Telegram, Fort Worth, TX (Print)
- Grand Forks Herald, Grand Forks, ND (Print)
- Guardian Unlimited, UK, (Print)
- Kansas City Star, Kansas City, MO (Print)
- KASA 2, Albuquerque, NM (TV)
- KATC 3, Acadiana, LA (TV)
- KCAU 9, Sioux City, IA (TV)
- Kentucky.com (Print)
- KESQ 3, Palm Desert, CA (TV)
- KLFC 10, Lafayette, LA (TV)
- KPHO 5, Phoenix, AZ (TV)
- KPLC 7, Lake Charles, Lafayette, LA (TV)
- KRON 4, Bay Area, CA (TV)
- KTRE ABC 9, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, TX (TV)
- KTVO 4, MO (TV)
- KVIA 7, El Paso, TX, Las Cruces, NM, CD. Juarez,
- KVOA 9, Tucson, AZ (TV)
- KWQC TV 6, Davenport, Bettenborf, Mobile, East Mobile, Rock Island, IA (TV)
- KWWL 7, Waterloo, Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, IW (TV)
- Ledger (Print)
- LEX 18, Lexington, KY (TV)
- Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA (Print)
- Macon Telegraph, Macon, GA (Print)
- Mohave Valley News, NV (Print)
- Monterey County Herald, Monterey, CA (Print)
- Myrtle Beach Sun News, Myrtle Beach SC (Print)
- New York Newsday, New York, NY (Print)
- Newsday, NY (Print)
- Ohio News Network, Ohio
- Philly.com
- Pioneer Press, Twin Cities, MN
- San Diego Union Tribune, CA (Print)
- San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, CA (Print)
- San Luis Obispo Tribune, San Luis Obispo, CA (Print)
- Seattle Post Intelligencer, Seattle, WA (Print)
- Sun Herald, South Mississippi (print)
- Tallahassee Democrat, Tallahassee, FL (print)
- Tuscallusanews, FL (Print)
- WALB 10, Albany, GA (TV)
- WANE 15, IN (TV)
- WAVY 10, Hampton Roads, VA (TV)
- WBAY TV 2, Green Bay, Fox Cities, Northeast Wisconsin, WI (TV)
- WBNS 10, Central Ohio, OH (TV)
- WBOC 16, Delmarva, MD (TV)
- WCAX 3, Burlington, VT, (TV)
- Web India 123.com, India (Print)
- WHBF 4, Quad Cities (TV)
- WHOTV, Des Moines, Iowa (TV)
- Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas (Print)
- WKYT 27, Lexington, KY (TV)
- WLBT 3, Jackson, MS (TV)
- WLUC 6, Green Bay, MI (TV)
- WOOD8, Grand Rapids, MI, (TV)
- WPRI 12, Providence, RI (TV)
- WRIC 8, Petersburg, Richmond, VA (TV)
- WSTM 3, Central New York, NY (TV)
- WVLT 8, Knoxville, TN (TV)
- WXTX Fox 54, Columbus, GA (TV)
Check out the coverage from Prensa Latina Latin American News Agency!
View photographs from the June 1 Press Conference
To learn more and get involved, visit the
September 24 page on the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition website
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
[email protected]
National Office in Washington DC: 202-544-3389
New York City: 212-533-0417
Los Angeles: 323-464-1636
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
For media inquiries, call 202-544-3389.