Have you ever wanted to help and wondered what you can do?

Interested in stopping the war?
You can get involved and help build the movement!

Momentum for the September 24 Mass March is building across the country - and in the Washington DC area. Over 35 organizers and activists met last Wednesday at the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition office for a political and organizational discussion about the September 24 demonstration, and to make plans to spread the word to people throughout our region.

Have you ever wanted to help and wondered what you can do? Below is a sign up sheet showing the days and times activists are planning to meet to put up posters between July 6 and 16. We will send out future emails with the schedule for later in July, August and September. You can also sign up to volunteer at any time that is convenient for your schedule - during the day, evening or weekend.

Please take a minute to review the form below and let us know how you can help out. If you are planning to volunteer, it is important that you let us know in advance by filling out the form below, or by calling or emailing us. The A.N.S.W.E.R. office can be reached by phone at 202-544-3389 or by email at [email protected].

--All of us with A.N.S.W.E.R. in DC 

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