Sept. 24 Will Be a Huge Success

September 24 Will Be a Huge Success -
 - But We Can't Do It Without Your Help

The September 24 National March on Washington DC will be the largest antiwar protest since the November election. Volunteers are working around the clock, and buses from all over the country have been reserved to bring people to DC.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition relies on the generous contributions of people who are committed to building this movement. The costs of renting buses, sound sytems, port-a-johns, logistical and stage equipment, along with printing leaflets, posters and stickers, requires us to immediately raise $100,000.

Each chartered bus from New York City rents for $1,400 - $1,700. To enable people from working class communities and young people to come to DC on September 24, it is imperative that we keep bus ticket prices low. The buses have to be paid for in advance of the demonstration - although most ticket sales come in the last two weeks before the demonstration.

The battle to raise sufficient funds is tough but with your help, we can do it.

We are asking you to donate as much as you possibly can today. If you have contibuted before, please consider making another generous donation. If you have never participated as a donor, now is the time. Click here to make a donation through our secure server, where you can also get information to write a check.

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