March permits obtained for
mass march on September 24
directly in front of the
White House
on Pennsylvania Ave.
The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has secured a permit from the Metropolitan Police Department for the mass march on September 24 that will take the demonstration directly in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Ave. This is the first time in many years that a march permit has been secured allowing people to exercise their First Amendment right for a mass assembly march and protest on Pennsylvania Ave. right at the doorstep of the White House.
Momentum is building all over the country. More than 100 cities have established Transportation Centers to bring buses to what will be the largest antiwar demonstration in a long time. members are mobilizing from across the country to be in DC on September 24.
The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition expresses its gratitude to the attorneys with the Partnership for Civil Justice, who are also with the National Lawyers Guild, for their work in securing these march permits.
The last thing George Bush and the war makers want to see is hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating on Pennsylvania Ave. right in front of the White House - but that is what they will see!
Please make a donation today to help this mobilization. Your donation helps pay for the expense of printing hundreds of thousands of leaflets, posters, stickers; organizing transportation from around the country; and arranging a large number of logistical needs necessary to make the demonstration happen. Please take a moment and make a donation through our secure server, where you can also obtain information to write a check.
Click on the links below for details: