200+ cities organize for Sept. 24 in DC

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Over 200 cities organize for Sept. 24:
Converge on the White House
at 11:00 am

* Additional flyers available *
* Sept. 23 International Tribunal on Haiti *
* Exclusive video from New Orleans *

We can't do it without your donation!

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is the organization that has assumed full responsibility for the costs of the stage, sound, and setup at the joint rally, which will begin at the White House (Ellipse) at 11:30 AM on September 24. The cost will be in the many tens of thousands of dollars.

Please help A.N.S.W.E.R. meet these and other large expenses by clicking here to donate.

Over 200 cities are organizing buses, vans, car caravans and peace trains to bring people from across the country to the September 24 National Demonstration in Washington, DC initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition.

Click here for details about buses from across the U.S.

Tickets for buses from New York City can still be purchased now online - the final deadline for online tickets is this Friday! Click here for details on how you can purchase tickets for buses from New York City online, by phone or in person.

Huge numbers will come from every major city on the East Coast, Midwest and South - New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Atlanta, Birmingham, Charlotte and elsewhere - and from many smaller cities. Gulfport, Mississippi; Eau Claire, Wisconsin; and Des Moines, Iowa are just a few of the cities organizing for this demonstration. Buses will be coming from as far away as Albuquerque, New Mexico a 28 hour drive to DC.

The National Office of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has received an enormous response from people all around the country who are planning to travel to Washington to surround the White House and say, "Stop the War Against Iraq; From Iraq to New Orleans, Fund People’s Needs Not the War Machine!" The new literature reflects both the human solidarity that has been expressed in recent weeks in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, as well as the opposition by different communities to the criminal orientation of the U.S. government toward the victims. The demonstration is building solidarity between the Palestinian people, the Haitian people, the African American community and all working class communities in the United States, and all of those who are the targets of a global system based on racism and exploitation.

See below for additional flyers.

We can't do it without your donation! The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is the organization that has assumed full responsibility for the costs of the stage, sound, and setup at the joint rally, which will begin at the White House (Ellipse) at 11:30 AM on September 24. The cost will be in the many tens of thousands of dollars. Please help A.N.S.W.E.R. meet these and other large expenses by clicking here to donate.

At 11:00 am people will assemble for the mass demonstration and People's Speak-Out at the White House (at the Ellipse, on the south side). After an opening rally, we will march. The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition holds permits for both sides of the White House and has secured a permit from the Metropolitan Police Department for the massive march on September 24 that will take the demonstration directly in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Ave. This is the first time in many years that a march permit has been secured allowing people to exercise their First Amendment right for a mass assembly march and protest right at the doorstep of the White House on Pennsylvania Ave.

The antiwar movement is gaining momentum daily. Unfolding developments over the past several weeks have made it clear that the September 24 demonstration in Washington DC has the potential to be the largest outpouring of antiwar sentiment since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition urges all those who can to attend the International Tribunal on Haiti, taking place on Friday, September 23 in Washington DC. See below for details about this important event.

Award-winning filmmaker Gloria La Riva of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has produced a video based on the visit of an A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition delegation to Louisiana and Texas earlier this month. Please take a moment to view this important video.

Additional flyers:

S24 new flyer button - 9/14, 10:23 am 

Front         Back

black and white
Front         Back

The back of the flyer features a new piece entitled "Ten Reasons Why We Are Marching."

Haiti Sept 23 button (9/10, 12:49 pm)

The Tribunal will be held at George Washington University
Elliott School of International Affairs at 1957 E St. NW

Haiti Tribunal color 

8.5 x 11 multi-color leaflet

Haiti Tribunal B&W flyer

8.5 x 11 black & white leaflet

For three years, Washington, Paris and Ottawa working with Haiti’s ruling elite, former soldiers and death-squad leaders carried out a destabilization campaign culminating in the February 29, 2004 kidnapping and overthrow of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

To quell resistance to the coup, armies from the U.S., France, Canada and the United Nations have occupied Haiti and carried out or aided massacres of thousands of Haitian citizens, including women, children and infants. Hundreds more have been jailed without trial.

It is time that the criminals be judged.

A coalition of Haiti solidarity groups, supported by the Latin America Solidarity Coalition, have banded together to organize an International Tribunal on Haiti, which will hold its first session on September 23, 2005 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at George Washington University in Washington, DC, the evening before the major September 24th anti-war march.

What Will the International
Tribunal on Haiti Do?

At the Tribunal’s opening session, prosecutors will present a detailed background of the coup and preliminary indictments. The background will cover the pre-coup period when the National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute were training Tonton Macoutes and paramilitary thugs whose violence set the scene for Aristide’s overthrow. The actions of the U.S., French and Canadian governments to destabilize the Aristide government will be exposed.

The Tribunal will also expose, through eye-witness and expert testimony, the truth about the daily slaughter being carried out by masked policemen with the criminal complicity, and increasingly participation, of the U.N. occupation force. (Since June, the U.N. is in charge of the Haitian police.) In the end, the Tribunal will forward individual indictments for those directly responsible for the massacres and crimes against humanity to the new International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The first session of the International Tribunal on Haiti will begin a seven-month campaign to expose the human rights violations by the Brazilian-led “peacekeeping force” and the de facto government put in place by the Bush administration.

A blue-ribbon Commission of Inquiry, led by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, will be announced at the Sept. 23 session of the Tribunal. A Commission delegation will travel to Haiti as early as October to gather eye-witness testimony and to determine what commanders and officials were responsible for which massacres and other crimes.

U.S. Filmmaker Kevin Pina and
Haitian Journalist Jean Ristil have been released!

Kevin Pina to appear at International Haiti Tribunal

Filmmaker Kevin Pina is scheduled to be a star witness at the opening session of the International Tribunal on Haiti. He was arrested in Haiti on Friday, September 9 while covering a police search of the church directed by Catholic priest Father Gérard Jean-Juste, a political prisoner of Haiti’s de facto regime. Jean Ristil, a free-lance Haitian reporter, who collaborates with Pina's news agency, the Haiti Information Project, was also arrested after photographing Pina's arrest, according to AP. They have both been released.

Pina will be presenting testimony and video footage of recent massacres carried out by Haitian police and U.N. occupation forces in Haiti at the Tribunal, which will also expose the crimes against humanity now being carried out in Haiti.

Thanks to all those who took action to demand their release!

Friday buses from New York City
These buses will travel on Sept. 23 to the Tribunal
and stay overnight in DC to attend the Sept. 24 march.

Round-trip bus fare from New York and New Jersey to the Tribunal is only $10. Buses will be leaving at 12 noon from the following locations:

  • Brooklyn at GrandArmyPlaza (Flatbush & Eastern Parkway)
  • Queens at Duch Travel, Linden Boulevard & 221st Street
  • Irvington, NJ at Nye Avenue , corner Springfield & Stuyvesant

Tickets, flyers or more info: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (212) 533-0417, Fanm Lakay (718) 512-5173, Haïti Progrès (718) 434-8100, InternationalActionCenter (212) 633-6646, KAKOLA (718) 629-4050, Nicaragua Network (202) 544-9355

Tickets also available at: (Brooklyn) Diaspo Television (718) 576-2667, Radio Lakay (718) 469-4671, Radio Pa Nou (718) 940-3861 (Queens) Duch Travel (718) 527-8594 (Irvington, NJ) Marché Lacaille (973) 374-9697

Haiti Tribunal NYC flyer


5x7 multi-colored 2-sided card for NYC

Exclusive video
from New Orleans

Shot by Gloria La Riva of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition. In Windows Media (14 min, 36 MB)

For video, reports, photos and action alerts, visit the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition website.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
[email protected]
National Office in Washington DC: 202-544-3389
New York City: 212-694-8720
Los Angeles: 323-464-1636
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
For media inquiries, call 202-544-3389.


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