A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Report on March 18 in LA More than 20,000 Protest Against War & Racism! Go to www.answerla.org for more information.
Read the March 18 talk by A.N.S.W.E.R. organizer Muna Coobtee Click here for a photo album of the protest
On Saturday, March 18, a broad coalition of community, immigrants' rights, labor and anti-war organizations, brought together by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, mounted a massive march and rally in Los Angeles to mark the third anniversary of the criminal U.S. invasion of Iraq. The LA demonstration was coordinated with national demonstrations in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Seattle and nearly 500 other local protests. Anti-war protests also took place in cities and towns throughout the world, including Paris, France; Malaysia; Caracas, Venezuela; London, England; Istanbul, Turkey; Seoul, Korea and thousands more. The demonstrations sent a strong message about the growing anti-war sentiment in the United States and around the world.
In Los Angeles, more than 20,000 protestors marched through the busy streets of Hollywood demanding: "Stop the War in Iraq - Bring the Troops Home Now," "End Colonial Occupation: Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, Afghanistan and Everywhere," "Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine," "Support the Palestinian People's Right of Return," "Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools and Communities," "Stop the Racist, Sexist, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Labor Offensive," "U.S. Out of the Philippines" and "Stop U.S. Threats Against Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea!" Thanks to all the volunteers and everyone who marched against war, occupation, racism and bigotry in LA yesterday.<!--D(["mb","<br /><br />Despite threats of thunderstorms, the streets of LA were filled by a sea of colorful banners, signs and drums. The protest was very multinational, diverse, militant and energetic. There were many contingents in the march: youth and students, immigrants\' rights, Palestinian\n and Arab, labor, women\'s rights, Cuba-Venezuela-Haiti, LGBT rights, Filipino, Korean American, neighborhood vigils and peace groups, Indigenous, Impeach Bush, South Central Farmers, anti-police brutality and many, many more. Hundreds of veterans marched in a procession of flag draped coffins commemorating the more than 2,300 U.S. soldiers that have died in the war on Iraq. Chants against war, racism and bigotry rang out in English and Spanish throughout the march. The large demonstration was greeted enthusiastically by thousands of people lining the streets at the closing rally near Highland Avenue.<br /><br />Major media outlets covered the LA protest and its international counterparts. Comprehensive reports appeared on CNN, in the LA Times, La Opinion, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, Telemundo, Unavision, AP, AFP, Reuters and others. The anti-war demonstrations have been listed at the top of Yahoo news for the past two days. KPFK, 90.7 FM covered the main rally live from 2 to 4 pm.\n <strong>It was widely recognized by all the media that the two major anti-war protests on the West Coast - in Los Angeles and San Francisco - were the largest protests in the United States.</strong><br /><br />The mass rally at Hollywood and Highland was co-chaired by Muna Coobtee, Free Palestine Alliance; Ayana McNair, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition; Theresa Bonpane, Office of the Americas; Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild; and Jerry Quickly, KPFK radio host.<br /><br /><strong>March 18</strong> <strong>speakers included</strong><br />Paul Haggis, double Academy Award winner ("Crash" Best Picture)<br />U.S. Congresswomen Maxine Waters<br />Maria Bello, Golden Globe nominated actress ("A History of Violence")<br />Diane Lane, Academy Award nominated actress ("Unfaithful")<br />Martin Sheen, award-winning actor ("The West Wing")",1]);//-->
Despite threats of thunderstorms, the streets of LA were filled by a sea of colorful banners, signs and drums. The protest was very multinational, diverse, militant and energetic. There were many contingents in the march: youth and students, immigrants' rights, Palestinian and Arab, labor, women's rights, Cuba-Venezuela-Haiti, LGBT rights, Filipino, Korean American, neighborhood vigils and peace groups, Indigenous, Impeach Bush, South Central Farmers, anti-police brutality and many, many more. Hundreds of veterans marched in a procession of flag draped coffins commemorating the more than 2,300 U.S. soldiers that have died in the war on Iraq. Chants against war, racism and bigotry rang out in English and Spanish throughout the march. The large demonstration was greeted enthusiastically by thousands of people lining the streets at the closing rally near Highland Avenue.
Major media outlets covered the LA protest and its international counterparts. Comprehensive reports appeared on CNN, in the LA Times, La Opinion, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, Telemundo, Unavision, AP, AFP, Reuters and others. The anti-war demonstrations have been listed at the top of Yahoo news for the past two days. KPFK, 90.7 FM covered the main rally live from 2 to 4 pm. It was widely recognized by all the media that the two major anti-war protests on the West Coast - in Los Angeles and San Francisco - were the largest protests in the United States.
The mass rally at Hollywood and Highland was co-chaired by Muna Coobtee, Free Palestine Alliance; Ayana McNair, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition; Theresa Bonpane, Office of the Americas; Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild; and Jerry Quickly, KPFK radio host.
March 18 speakers included Paul Haggis, double Academy Award winner ("Crash" Best Picture) U.S. Congresswomen Maxine Waters Maria Bello, Golden Globe nominated actress ("A History of Violence") Diane Lane, Academy Award nominated actress ("Unfaithful") Martin Sheen, award-winning actor ("The West Wing")<!--D(["mb","<br />Rob Morrow, TV and film actor ("Numbers")<br />Shiva Rose, film actress ("David and Layla")<br />Mimi Kennedy, TV actress ("Dharma and Greg")<br />Mike Farrell, TV actor ("M.A.S.H.")<br />Fernando Suarez\n del Solar, Guerrero Azteca<br />Pablo Paredes, Iraq war resister<br />Muna Coobtee, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition<br />Michael Shahin, Free Palestine Alliance<br />Juan Jose Gutierrez, Latino Movement USA<br />Raul Murillo, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional<br /><font color\u003d\"#000000\">Alejandro, March 25 Coalition for Immigrants\' Rights</font><br />Blase Bonpane, Office of the Americas<br />Carlos Alvarez, Youth & Student A.N.S.W.E.R.<br />Margaret Prescod, Global Women\'s Strike<br />Zahra Billoo, Muslim Students Association-West<br />Dolores Huerta, Co-founder, United Farm Workers<br />Christine Araquel, Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines<br />Sha Azedi, Committee for Self-Determination and Peace for Iran<br />Liza Gesunden, KMB Pro-People Youth<br />Meekyong Chung, Korean Americans for Peace<br />Rodrigo Argueta, Frente Unido de los Pueblos Americanos<br />Jerry Quickly, KPFK radio host<br />Don White, Coalition for World Peace<br /><font color\u003d\"#000000\">Jollene Levid, Gabriella\n Network</font><br />Derrick Williams, Survivor of Hurricane Katrina from New Orleans<br />Conspriacy of Thought<br />Creo, Hip-hop artist from New Orleans<br />Dele, South Central Farmers<br />Enrique Vasquez, Party for Socialism and Liberation<br />April Fitzsimmons, Veterans for Peace<br />Bill Paparian, Former mayor of Pasadena and veteran<br />Sarah Knopp, International Socialist Organization<br />Tom Mackenzie, U.S. Labor Against War<br /><br /><font color\u003d\"#000000\">Saturday\'s demonstrations indicate that the people of the U.S., and people all over the world, are continuing to organize and speak out loudly against the war. Bush\'s approval ratings continue to slide as he pushes his administration\'s agenda of war, racism, budget cuts and spying. In the months and years to come, the anti-war movement is sure to grow as the occupation continues to go badly for the occupiers. People all over the country will continue to become disenchanted with a war that benefits only a tiny minority of\n super-rich people, along with Wall Street, big banks and corporations.",1]);//--> Rob Morrow, TV and film actor ("Numbers") Shiva Rose, film actress ("David and Layla") Mimi Kennedy, TV actress ("Dharma and Greg") Mike Farrell, TV actor ("M.A.S.H.") Fernando Suarez del Solar, Guerrero Azteca Pablo Paredes, Iraq war resister Muna Coobtee, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Michael Shahin, Free Palestine Alliance Juan Jose Gutierrez, Latino Movement USA Raul Murillo, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional Alejandro, March 25 Coalition for Immigrants' Rights Blase Bonpane, Office of the Americas Carlos Alvarez, Youth & Student A.N.S.W.E.R. Margaret Prescod, Global Women's Strike Zahra Billoo, Muslim Students Association-West Dolores Huerta, Co-founder, United Farm Workers Christine Araquel, Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines Sha Azedi, Committee for Self-Determination and Peace for Iran Liza Gesunden, KMB Pro-People Youth Meekyong Chung, Korean Americans for Peace Rodrigo Argueta, Frente Unido de los Pueblos Americanos Jerry Quickly, KPFK radio host Don White, Coalition for World Peace Jollene Levid, Gabriella Network Derrick Williams, Survivor of Hurricane Katrina from New Orleans Conspriacy of Thought Creo, Hip-hop artist from New Orleans Dele, South Central Farmers Enrique Vasquez, Party for Socialism and Liberation April Fitzsimmons, Veterans for Peace Bill Paparian, Former mayor of Pasadena and veteran Sarah Knopp, International Socialist Organization Tom Mackenzie, U.S. Labor Against War
Saturday's demonstrations indicate that the people of the U.S., and people all over the world, are continuing to organize and speak out loudly against the war. Bush's approval ratings continue to slide as he pushes his administration's agenda of war, racism, budget cuts and spying. In the months and years to come, the anti-war movement is sure to grow as the occupation continues to go badly for the occupiers. People all over the country will continue to become disenchanted with a war that benefits only a tiny minority of super-rich people, along with Wall Street, big banks and corporations.<!--D(["mb","<br /><br /></font></font><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><font color\u003d\"#000000\" size\u003d\"2\"><strong>We are the majority, and we have the momentum.</strong> Let\'s continue to organize and unite all of our struggles into an independent movement that challenges not only the criminal government, but this unequal system that breeds war, racism, sexism and homophobia. <br /><br />Now is the time to become an anti-war organizer. Only the people can stop the war. Let\'s continue the struggle!<br /><br />For more info call <strong>323-464-1636</strong> or e-mail </font><a href\u003d\"mailto:[email protected]\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><font color\u003d\"#008000\" size\u003d\"2\">[email protected]</font></a><font color\u003d\"#000000\" size\u003d\"2\">.<br /></font></span><font size\u003d\"2\"><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><font color\u003d\"#000000\"><br /><font face\u003d\"Arial\">------------------------------<WBR>---------------------<br /></font></font><b style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><br /></span></strong></span></font><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><b style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><font size\u003d\"4\">Transcript of March 18 talk<br />Given by A.N.S.W.E.R. organizer Muna Coobtee in LA</font></strong></span><span style\u003d\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial\"><br /><br />The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition would like to thank all the organizations and individuals who have helped to bring us all together today to demand an “End to the War and Occupation of Iraq. Bring the troops home now!” </span><span style\u003d\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial\">This is a great turnout. Let’s hear it for the anti-war movement in LA!<br /><br />Once again the Bush administration has reaffirmed its endless war against the people of the\n world. <br /><br />Three years after the start of the “shock and awe” war of terror against the innocent people of </span><span style\u003d\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial\">Iraq</span> <span style\u003d\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial\">, they are escalating the war again from the sky. "Operation Swarmer” is raining death and destruction on Iraqis right now. <br /><br /></span><span style\u003d\"font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial\">",1]);//-->
We are the majority, and we have the momentum. Let's continue to organize and unite all of our struggles into an independent movement that challenges not only the criminal government, but this unequal system that breeds war, racism, sexism and homophobia.
Now is the time to become an anti-war organizer. Only the people can stop the war. Let's continue the struggle!
Audio Congresswoman Maxine Waters. 'The president is a liar.' mp3 (5:05, 1.74 MB) Fernando Suarez and Pablo Paredes. 241 mile walk for peace. mp3 (4:21, 1.49 MB) Actor Mike Farrell. 'I want my country back.' mp3 (1:24, 497K)
Go to http://www.answerla.org/ for more information.