Get your August 12 bus ticket

Buy your August 12 bus ticket from NYC to DC!
Emergency protest today, July 31
Volunteers' meeting tomorrow, August 1

Purchase an August 12 bus ticket

Bus tickets are now available from New York City to Washington, DC for the August 12 National Emergency March on the White House. Buses are leaving from four NYC locations: Bay Ridge (Brooklyn), Astoria (Queens), 125th and Lenox Ave. (Manhattan), and Union Square South (Manhattan). Bus tickets cost $35 and can be purchased in the ANSWER office or online.

Get your online bus ticket by clicking here. (Online purchases will not receive a physical ticket; just bring your confirmation number and a form of identification.)

If you'd rather come by the office to purchase a ticket, our address is:

2295 Adam Clayton Powell/7th Ave
(near the corner of 135th St.)

2/3 train to 135th and walk one block west,
or the B/C to 135th and walk two blocks east
Our normal office hours are 10am-5pm, Monday-Friday, but please call 212-694-8720 to make sure someone is in the office.

Donate to cover transportation costs

Get your bus ticket today - buses are expected to fill up quickly! If you cannot come on August 12th, but would like to help us cover some of the transportation costs to bring others to Washington, you can make a much needed donation by clicking here.

Donate to August 12 march

Emergency protest today, July 31, 5pm
Dag Hammarsjold Plaza at 46th and 1st

Join us for this important protest, which will begin at Dag Hammarsjold Plaza, slightly north of the United Nations. It will be followed by a march to Ralph Bunche Park, directly across from the UN.  From there, the march will continue on 42nd street, past Grand Central, to Times Square.

On July 30, 2006 Israel bombed a building where 100 civilians had taken shelter, massacring at least 54 Lebanese civilians, including 37 children in the city of Qana.  Israeli missiles struck just after one in the middle of the night, leveling a three-story building where two extended families had taken refuge in the basement from heavy Israeli bombardment in the area.

Demonstration initiated by the Ad Hoc Coalition for Justice in the Middle East

Come to an ANSWER-New York volunteers' meeting
Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 1, 7pm 

2295 Adam Clayton Powell/7th Ave
(near the corner of 135th St.)

2/3 train to 135th and walk one block west,
or the B/C to 135th and walk two blocks east

Help us spread the word about the August 12 National March in Washington. In the next two weeks, we have the enormous task of distributing thousands of flyers, putting up posters, making phone calls, and getting our antiwar perspective into the media. Against the non-stop barrage of media and government lies, our outreach teams go directly into the communities to distribute literature and engage community members with conversations about the U.S.-Israeli aggression and its connection with the war on Iraq. This work is essential for the success of the August 12 mobilization, and the antiwar movement in general.

Over the last week, we've sent outreach teams to Bay Ridge, Astoria, Harlem, and Union Square. Help us continue this important work. At tomorrow's meeting, we will discuss outreach plans, and strategize to spread the August 12th message as far and wide as possible.

If you can't make the meeting, your contribution is still needed. If you have just a few spare hours any day before August 12th to volunteer, call the office at 212-694-8720 or email [email protected], and one of our organizers will let you know how you can get involved.

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