Protest the war this Saturday, October 28!
Volunteer at one of the antiwar actions taking place across the country!
Local 10/28 |
Four years ago today, October 26, 2002, 200,000 demonstrators literally surrounded the White House in the first mass protest opposing the coming war against Iraq. That demonstration was organized by the ANSWER Coalition. Less than three months later, the ANSWER Coalition sponsored a demonstration of 500,000 on the Mall in Washington, DC.
Since that time, the movement opposing the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq has become a global movement.
Everything that we asserted about the war, even as far back as September and October of 2002, has proved to be correct and true. Everything that the Bush administration asserted has proved to be wrong and a lie. It is now obvious that U.S. imperialism's efforts in Iraq have failed. They have only succeeded in creating mass suffering, especially in Iraq, where nearly three-quarters of a million people have lost their lives. The armed resistance movement in Iraq has made it impossible for the Bush administration to subdue the country.
The U.S. military, under Bush's command, cannot win in Iraq. But they do not want to acknowledge defeat and leave. Their concern is not that Iraq will descend into chaos, since chaos already exists. Instead, the main fear of Bush and the military establishment is that the perception of a U.S. military defeat at the hands of the Iraqi resistance will act as a stimulant to all those who seek genuine independence from the U.S. and its proxies in the Middle East. They fear the revolutionary overturn of the regimes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan -- all of which function as agents of U.S. imperial authority in this strategic oil-rich region. They fear the success of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people.
In Vietnam, the Nixon administration dragged the war on from 1969 until 1973, stubbornly refusing to recognize and accept responsibility for the U.S. war effort. Tens of thousands of GIs and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese died between 1968 and 1973, when the U.S. was forced to finally abandon this adventure.
It is imperative that the people of the United States force an end to this imperial war of aggression, not in four years or in two years, but right now. Join the ANSWER Coalition and others for protests this Saturday, October 28, in cities around the United States. Volunteers are still needed to help this effort. Join a demonstration in your area -- bring friends, family members, co-workers and classmates. Bring your sign and your voice.
If this was a government of, by and for the people, the November 2006 election would be a referendum on Iraq. The popular will of the people is to end the war against Iraq. But the question of Iraq is not on the ballot. Most people will only have the chance to vote for politicians from one of the Twin Parties of Militarism. Protest on October 28th, and force the call for immediate withdrawal onto the U.S. political stage .
Contribute to the antiwar movement
It takes significant resources to organize these demonstrations. The cost of producing flyers, stickers, posters, antiwar petitions, placards, and all the other necessities for antiwar demonstration always numbers in the thousands of dollars. Your generous contribution is needed to cover these costs and help sustain this important work. Click here to donate.
Join Thousands to Put the War on Trial
Public Anti-War Tribunal in Front of CNN
Saturday, Oct. 28, 12 noon
Gather Hollywood and Vine
March to CNN building for rally
Click here for a map and driving directions
For more info call 323-464-1636 or email [email protected].
Momentum for the Oct. 28 anti-war protest initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is building each day.
Join Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan; Iraq war resister Pablo Paredes; Vietnam vet Ron Kovic (Born on the Fourth of July); Two-time Golden Globe nominated actor Maria Bello; Indian activist and grandson of Mahatma Ghandi, Arun Ghandi; Harrison of Air America's “Harrison on the Edge”; California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero; Former mayor of Pasadena Bill Paparian; Actor Mimi Kennedy, "Dharma and Greg," ANSWER Coalition-LA Coordinator<!--D(["mb","<strong>Preston Wood</strong>; Global \nWomen\'s Strike organizer and KPFK host <strong>Margaret Prescod</strong>; \nNational Lawyers Guild-LA Executive Director <strong>Jim Lafferty</strong>; Free Palestine\nAlliance organizer <strong>Muna Coobtee</strong>, \nand thousands more in the streets of Hollywood this Saturday to “Put the\nWar on Iraq on\nTrial" and demand "Bring the Troops Home Now!"</span><br />\n</font>\n</font>\n<font size\u003d\"2\" face\u003d\"Arial\">\n<br />\n</font><font size\u003d\"2\"><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\">Actor <strong>James \nAdomian as George "the devil" Bush</strong>. Adomian has appeared on\nComedy Central’s “Mind of Mencia” and “The Late Late Show" with Craig\nFerguson.\nHe\'ll make a special appearance at the rally on Saturday.</span></font> <font face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"2\">Many community\nleaders and organizers will also\nbe represented.<br />\n<br />\nThe war and occupation of Iraq is more unpopular than ever before. 655,000\nIraqi\ncivilians and 2,700 U.S. soldiers have died. This illegal war is costing\n$12.5\nmillion every hour while social programs at home are being gutted to pay\nfor\nmilitarism and destruction. Join together on Saturday, Oct. 28 to channel\nour\nopposition into organized action.<br />\n<br />\n</font><font face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"3\"><strong><strong><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><a rel\u003d\"nofollow\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><font color\u003d\"#008000\">Volunteer</font></a></span></strong></strong><font color\u003d\"#008000\">\n</font><font color\u003d\"#ff0000\"> </font><strong><font color\u003d\"#ff0000\"><u><a href\u003d\"\" rel\u003d\"nofollow\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">\n<font color\u003d\"#008000\">Donate</font></a></u></font></strong></font><font color\u003d\"#ff0000\" face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"3\"> \n</font><font face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"3\"><strong><a rel\u003d\"nofollow\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><u><font color\u003d\"#008000\">Flyer",1]);//-->Preston Wood; Global Women's Strike organizer and KPFK host Margaret Prescod; National Lawyers Guild-LA Executive Director Jim Lafferty; Free Palestine Alliance organizer Muna Coobtee, and thousands more in the streets of Hollywood this Saturday to “Put the War on Iraq on Trial" and demand "Bring the Troops Home Now!"
Actor James Adomian as George "the devil" Bush. Adomian has appeared on Comedy Central’s “Mind of Mencia” and “The Late Late Show" with Craig Ferguson. He'll make a special appearance at the rally on Saturday. Many community leaders and organizers will also be represented.
The war and occupation of Iraq is more unpopular than ever before. 655,000 Iraqi civilians and 2,700 U.S. soldiers have died. This illegal war is costing $12.5 million every hour while social programs at home are being gutted to pay for militarism and destruction. Join together on Saturday, Oct. 28 to channel our opposition into organized action.
Volunteer Flyer<!--D(["mb","</font></u></a></strong><font color\u003d\"#ff0000\"> \n</font><strong><u><a rel\u003d\"nofollow\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><font color\u003d\"#008000\">Logistics</font></a></u><font color\u003d\"#008000\"> </font></strong><strong><strong><span style\u003d\"font-family:Arial\"><a rel\u003d\"nofollow\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">\n<font color\u003d\"#008000\">Endorse</font></a></span><span style\u003d\"color:rgb(255,0,0);font-family:Arial\"> \n</span><span style\u003d\"color:black;font-family:Arial\"><font color\u003d\"#ff0000\"> \n</font></span></strong></strong><strong><font color\u003d\"#ff0000\"><a rel\u003d\"nofollow\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><font color\u003d\"#008000\">Transportation</font></a><font color\u003d\"#008000\"> </font></font></strong></font></p>\n\n<p><font face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"2\"><strong>Oct. 28 initiated by A.N.S.W.E.R.\nCoalition:</strong> <span style\u003d\"font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial\">Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the\nPhilippines, Free Palestine Alliance, GABRIELA Network, Haiti Support\nNetwork,\nLatino Movement USA, Palestinian American Women\'s Association, Party for\nSocialism and Liberation.</span><br />\n<br />\n<strong>Media sponsor: </strong>Air America Progressive Talk 1150 AM<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Partial list of endorsers and participants include</strong><span style\u003d\"font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial\"><strong>:\n</strong>Al-Awda Los Angeles, Al-Awda\nRiverside, ANSWER-Ventura County, Asians 4 Jericho/Mumia, Café Intifada,\nCampaign for Social Justice, CAIR -LA (Council on American-Islamic\nRelations),\nCasa del Pueblo Cooperative, CISPES-LA, Coalition Against Militarism in\nour\nSchools (CAMS), Coalition for Equal Marriage Rights, Coalition in Defense\nof\nImmigrant Rights, Codepink-LA, Communist Party, USA; Doctors for Peace;\nEcumenical Fellowship for Justice and Peace (EFJP), Fellowship of\nReconciliation, Free Iraq Now, Free Marketeers Against War and\nImperialism,\nFrente Unido de los Pueblos Americanos (FUPA), Global Resistance Network,\nGlobal\nWomen’s Strike, Air America Radio\'s Harrison on the Edge, International\nSocialist Organization, KmB-Pro-People Youth, Korean Americans for Peace,\nLA\nAcademia Musical Marey, La Otra En El Otro Lado, Los Angeles Greens, LA\nPalestine Labor Solidarity Committee, Los Angeles Peace and Freedom Party,\nManzanita Village Retreat Center, Middle East Student’s Society-CSU\nFullerton,\nMindanao Caucus, Muslim Student Association-West, National Committee to\nFree the\nCuban Five, New Orleans Families Committee, Oaxaca Bi-national Indigenous\nFront\n(FIOB), Office of the Americas, Orange County Peace and Freedom Party,\nOrdinary\nDharma, Peace Bakersfield, Peace and Freedom Party, CSEA; Philippine\nPeasant\nSupport Network (Pesante)-USA, Project Islamic Hope, Puerto Rican\nAlliance,\nRiverside Area Peace and Justice Action (RAPJA), The Student Coalition\nAgainst\nLabor Exploitation (",1]);//--> Logistics Endorse Transportation
Oct. 28 initiated by A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Free Palestine Alliance, GABRIELA Network, Haiti Support Network, Latino Movement USA, Palestinian American Women's Association, Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Protest and People's Vote on the War
Say No to War and Occupation, Money for People's Needs, Not War
Saturday, October 28
12 noon Gather at UN Plaza (Market btwn 7th and 8th)"
March to follow
Only the People Can Stop the War!
The Iraq war is a total disaster-for the people of Iraq and of the United States. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed. Iraqi society has been torn to shreds. More than 2,700 U.S. soldiers are dead and 20,000 wounded in a war based on lies.
The war costs $250 million each day. The total cost is now $317 billion—equal to 2.8 million new housing units and 5.5 million teachers' salaries. Working people pay more for housing, health care and education each year. Some 47 million people have no health care, and 13 million children go to bed hungry each day.
The government tells us there isn't money for social services. Yet they always have billions for war. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will end the war. People in the streets are the only force that can stop the war.
Get involved in the struggle! Volunteer meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m.
2489 Mission St #30 (at 21st St), SF (near 24th St BART, #14 MUNI)
Download PDFs: Full-page flyer 1/4-page flyer Half-page flyer Half-page in Spanish
For more info, call A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) Coalition
415-821-6545 ; [email protected]
U.S. Out of Iraq Now!
And 9 Other Demands the Politicians Won't Touch!
Saturday, October 28, 12 noon
165th and Audubon
1, A, or C to 168th St.
Click here to download the flyer
Volunteers needed! Call 212-694-8720 or email [email protected] to volunteer.
"Is New York any better now than it was five years ago? About one in five New Yorkers is officially in poverty. The Bronx is the third poorest county in the entire country, and tens of thousands of families are evicted from Washington Heights alone every year. Hunger is on the rise, with at least 1.6 million New Yorkers visiting food pantries last year.
The war takes money out of our pockets. On average, each New York City taxpayer has given $1,000 towards this war totaling $9.3 billion. What could $9.3 billion pay for? 84,000 public housing units—practically solving the city’s housing crisis. It could pay for 161,000 new public school teachers—solving the city’s overcrowded classrooms. It could give health insurance to all the city’s children.
Both Democrats and Republicans voted to get rid of or reduce 141 social programs, eliminating all vocational education and cutting 400,000 senior citizens from the Supplemental Food program. Everything from community development grants to clean water funds are looking at major losses, and all for the price of one or two new fighter jets.
This is not our war. We have our own battles. Why not a war on hunger, or a war on gentrification? Why not a war on illiteracy and overcrowded schools? Why not a war on racism and anti-immigrant bigotry? No Democrat or Republican is asking these questions. Not a single Congressperson is talking about bringing the troops home now. But we will!" (From the "Call to Action")
The protest has been initiated by the ANSWER Coalition, and initially sponsored by Acción Comunitaria La Aurora, Da Urban Butterflies, Iglesia de San Romero de las Americas - UCC, Chicano Caucus of Columbia University, Fuerza de la Revolución, Women's Anti-Imperialist League, DAMAYAN Migrant Workers Association, Inc., Network in Solidarity with the People of the Philippines, UGNAYAN, Movement In Motion, Korean Americans Against War and Neoliberalism (KAWAN), Party for Socialism and Liberation. Click here to endorse
U.S. Out of Iraq Now! We Are the Majority!
End Colonial Occupation from Iraq, to Palestine, Haiti, and Everywhere!
Saturday, October 28, 12:00 noon
Federal Building.
2nd & Marion, Seattle
View Endorsers
Have your organization endorse this event.
Become an organizing center.
Read the call to action
Call us: 206-568-1661!
Email: [email protected]
Weekly Organizers Meetings Monday at 7 pm 1423 10th Ave.
Initial Endorsers include: Dyke Community Activists ; Socialist Alternative ; Aaron Dixon for Senate Campaign ; American Friends Service Committee ; Vets for Peace #92 ; Stand Up Seattle ; Palestine Solidarity Committee ; AltBuzz Radio ; International Socialist Organization ; Vus PEACE ACADEMY ; Party for Socialism and Liberation ; Saab Lofton, author ; ACTION Northwest ; World Can't Wait
People’s Campaign: Vote to End the War on Iraq!
Nationally Coordinated Street Campaign to End War, Racism & Occupation!
Oct 28 Schedule
To Volunteer on Oct 28 call 773-463-0311 or click here
Download Leaflets: Spanish/English
10:30 am
Meet at ANSWER Office
3334 W. Lawrence #202
(Brown Line - Kedzie Stop)
11:15/11:30 am
Campaign Teams Hit the Street
Campaign teams fan out to all parts of the city with banners, petitions, bull horns, campaign tables, leaflets, info sheets and more
12:00 - 2 pm
In neighborhoods all over the city, teams will reach out to people with anti-war materials. We will have voter cards where people can vote on issues that really matter to them like the war, jobs, education, healthcare, equal rights for all and the soaring price of utilities
2:30 - 5:00 pm
Report Backs, Discussion & Social
Campaign teams meet back at office to share experiences and plan the next steps in the movement to end war, racism and occupation
Food, Drinks and Music!
Join us Every Saturday at 12 Noon as we hit the streets to build for the October 28 campaign
Meet at ANSWER Office: 3334 W. Lawrence #202 (Brown Line - Kedzie Stop)
For more info call 773-463-0311