Fri., May 25 NYC Premiere of Documentary on Luis Posada Carriles

ANSWER New York City Film Premiere
Posada Carriles: Terrorism Made in U.S.A

Friday, May 25, 7 pm

2295 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
(B/C/2/3 to 135th St.)

Join the ANSWER Coalition and the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five for the New York City premiere of "Posada: Terrorism Made in the U.S.A," a new documentary by the renowned Venezuelan filmmaker Angel Palacios. 

This well-documented film provides damning evidence of the U.S. role in training and directing the terrorist actions of Luis Posada Carriles, and reviews his whole terrorist history.

It features testimony from Venezuelan, Cuban and other victims of Posada's torture and murderous past. "Posada: Terrorism Made in U.S.A." is a carefully documented and professionally produced film, and a key contribution to the international campaign to demand Posada's extradition. (90 minutes, 2007, a PanaFilms production).

Plus: snacks, drinks and plenty of time for discussion

Suggested Donation $7

For more info call 212-694-8720 or e-mail [email protected].

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