"Lyrical Revolt," a night of hip hop and spoken word
Join us yet again for the fourth installment of Lyrical Revolt, a night of hip hop and spoken word hosted by the ANSWER Coalition. For the first time, this Saturday's Lyrical Revolt will be hosted at an outdoor venue, at a Lower East Side community garden known as the Children's Magical Garden de Carmen Rubio.
Children's Magical Garden de Carmen Rubio
Norfolk & Stanton St.
(F Train to Delancey, walk two blocks north, take right on Stanton)
Donation: $7 at the door. The event is for all ages. Proceeds go to the ANSWER Coalition and the Endangered Garden.
All poets and emcees interested in performing, please email us at [email protected]. You bring the words and the beats -- we'll pass the mic! Just sign up! See you Saturday!
For more information on the ANSWER Coalition or to get involved, call us at 212-694-8720.