Oct. 27 Volunteers Needed in San Francisco

Oct. 27 Volunteers Needed in San Francisco
Get involved this week & on Saturday!

Volunteers are urgently needed for the October 27 march and rally. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW! People are needed to distribute placards, hand out palm cards, set-up and take-down at both the Civic Center and Dolores Park and to act as march monitors. Please reply to this email if you are available to help out, or call 415-821-6545.

The October 27 anti-war march is gaining momentum with more than 160 organizations endorsing the march, including seven Bay Area Central Labor Councils, the Episcopal Diocese of California, California Federation of Teachers and many union locals, National Council of Arab Americans, Iraq Veterans Against the War, FMLN of El Salvador, Barrio Unidos, Cindy Sheehan (who will be one of the speakers), Pride at Work-SF, Free Palestine Alliance, Coalicion Primero de Mayo, World Can't Wait, CodePink Women for Peace, Campus Anti-war Network, United for Peace and Justice, U.S. Labor Against War, the ANSWER Coalition and more, many of which are organizing contingents. Buses are coming from at least 10 cities outside the immediate Bay Area.

For an updated list of endorsers visit to http://www.oct27sf.org/.

Worksessions this week for Oct. 27

Help prepare banners and signs for the march and find out how you can help on the day of. Come by and volunteer anytime over the next week or attend one of the scheduled work sessions below at the SF ANSWER office, 2489 Mission St. #24 at 21st St. - Office hours: 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. (near 24th St. BART, #14, #49 MUNI). East Bay ANSWER office, 636 9th St. at MLK, Oakland. Call for office hours, 510-435-0844

Tues. Oct. 23, 7pm
Volunteer Orientation Meeting for Oct. 27
2489 Mission St. #30, SF

Join us for an orientation and schedule of the day. Find out how you can plug into volunteer tasks on Oct. 27. Worksession will follow.

Worksessions for Oct. 27 - Banner Painting and Sign Making
2489 Mission St. #30 and basement, SF

? Mon. Oct. 22, 8pm
? Tues. Oct. 23, 7:30pm
? Wed. Oct. 24, 6pm
? Fri. Oct. 26, 5pm - Truck loading at the SF ANSWER office

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