Emergency support rally for
Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution!
Stop the U.S. gov’t/media slander campaign!
This Saturday, Dec. 1st at 1pm
Venezuelan Consulate
7 East 51th Street
(between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue)
Take the E/V to 5th Ave or the 6 train to 51st St.
See below for other weekend events.
Click this link to endorse
Contact 212-694-8720 or [email protected]
for more information or to get involved.
On Sunday, December 2, the Venezuelan people will go to the polls once again to vote in a referendum to reform the country's constitution. People in the United States who support social justice need to stand with the Bolivarian Revolution in the face of U.S. government threats and media lies.
The Venezuelan public has expressed its political will over and over again in the last several years. This process has involved millions of people and been profoundly democratic. But because their will contradicted the aims of U.S. imperialism, Washington and the corporate media have slandered President Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan revolution. They have grotesquely distorted, or simply invented, the political reality in Venezuela.
As the struggle over Venezuela's future heats up -- and the traditional elite become more desperate to halt the revolution's momentum -- the anti-Venezuela propaganda campaign will intensify. There have been rumblings of another U.S.-backed coup attempt. Progressive people in this country need to set the record straight and stand up in defense of Venezuela's sovereignty.
On Saturday, December 1st, the day before the referendum in Venezuela, there will be an emergency support rally in front of the Venezuelan Consulate at 7 East 51th Street (between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue). The rally will begin at 1pm, and then we will march to CNN headquarters to protest the misinformation propagated by the U.S. corporate media. Click this link to endorse.
Call 212-694-8720 or email [email protected] for more information.
Endorsers: ANSWER Coalition, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Cuba Solidarity New York, Lucha (Columbia University), ANSWER Club (Bronx Community College), Red de Resistencia Revolucionaria, Iglesia de San Romero - UCC,
Venezuela's constitutional reforms
The proposed reforms are aimed at building a "social economy," strengthening grassroots communal councils, allowing unlimited presidential reelections so that option is "the sovereign decision of the constituent people of Venezuela" (similar to the political process in countries like England, France, Germany and Australia), lowering the eligible voting age from 18 to 16, guaranteeing free university education to the highest level, prohibiting foreign funding of elections and political activity, and reducing the work week to 36 hours to promote more employment.
Unlike traditional political debates, the discussions of the reforms occurred nationwide and involved massive public participation. In a 47-day period, some 9,020 public events were held. Over 10 million copies of the reforms were distributed to the public, and one poll found that over 77 percent of the Venezuelan people had read them.
This democratic and social campaign is not just a step forward for the Venezuelan people. It is an example of what is needed by millions of people around the world—and right here in New York City!
Other weekend support events
The Venezuelan opposition is planning a protest against constitutional reform on Dec. 2 - come show your support for the democratic process that is taking place in Venezuela! The rally will be followed by an event in the Bronx.
Sunday, Dec. 2 at 11:30 am
Venezuelan Consulate
7 East 51st Street
(between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue)
Take the E to 5th Ave or the 6 train to 51st St.*
Sunday, Dec. 2 at 3:30pm
El Maestro Community Center
Juan Laporte's Boxing Gym
677 Elton Avenue, Bronx
Between 153rd St and 154th St., Corner of 3rd Avenue