March 19 is the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq
On Wednesday, come to City Hall and demand:
No cuts! No war!
Wednesday, March 19, 4pm
City Hall, New York City
Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposes cutting over $500 million from the Department of Education over the next two years. Poor and working families, primarily Black and Latino, will be hardest hit.
The politicians blame the cuts on the recession. Now, when the billionaires’ profits are down, we are all supposed to pull together to “share the pain.”
But despite mass opposition to the war in Iraq, no politician—Democrat or Republican—dares to demand that the Pentagon cut its budget when the recession hits. Schoolchildren can be squeezed into smaller classes and lose their after-school programs. Teachers and other city workers can be thrown onto the unemployment lines.
But the generals never run short of bombs to drop or torture camps to fill. The U.S. Congress has rubber-stamped over $1.4 trillion in war spending since the 2003 invasiona.
It’s time for real change not the phony change that politicians promise every election year.
It’s time to demand an immediate end to the U.S. war in Iraq and Afghanistan and an immediate end to U.S. funding for the Israeli occupation of Palestine!
It’s time to demand a new economy one where education and jobs take priority over war and occupation.
It’s time to demand that Wall Street shoulder the burden of recession. They profited when the going was good—we didn’t. They can pay when the going gets rough—not us.
Join with the ANSWER Coalition Act Now to Stop War and End Racism in building a united people’s movement to defeat the cutbacks and end the war now.
Call 212-694-8720 or email [email protected] for more information. Download an 8.5x11 flyer