Demand justice for Sean Bell!
Jail racist killer cops!
Today, April 25, 5:30pm
in front of Queen's DA office:
125-01 Queens Blvd
(bet. Hoover Ave & 82nd Ave)
E/F train to Union Turnpike
Called by the People's Justice Coalition
The ANSWER Coalition calls on all its members, supporters, and friends in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area to join with thousands of other people in New York City today for a mass demonstration against the outrageous acquittal of the three police officers who murdered Sean Bell. They killed Bell in a hail of gunfire the night before his wedding. This is one more example of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) being allowed to commit murder in the Black and Latino community with impunity. The police in New York operate like an occupation army granting themselves the right to function as judge, jury, and executioner. It would take days to recite all the names of those killed by police murder.
Judge Arther Cooperman, who found the police officers not guilty today, gained notoriety when he sentenced a New York man who was convicted of $22, to "15 years to life" in prison.
Our coalition stands against war and racism. The two are connected. We are fighting against racism and injustice at home, and the racist war against the Arab people in the Middle East.
Today's verdict has provoked mass outrage throughout the Black community in New York City and among all people who believe in justice. Sean Bell was unarmed as were his companions when he died in a hail of 50 gunshots. One police officer, Michael Oliver, fired 31 shots, stopping to reload in the middle before resuming to fire against the unarmed men. The movement for real change against racism and war is being built in the streets. Join us today and spread the word.
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