Oct. 2: Not Another Rip-off! Put People's Needs Over Wall Street Greed!

Protest at the U.S. Capitol Building on Thursday!
Not Another Rip-off! Put People's Needs Over Wall Street Greed!

Yesterday we won. Every news report describes Congressional offices flooded with emails and phone calls opposing the bailout. But Bush has made it clear that he wants to ram legislation through Congress when it reconvenes Thursday at 12 Noon. We have to be there to tell them that we will not hand over $700 billion to the richest bankers. There should be a moratorium on all foreclosures and evictions. That's the way to solve the housing crisis. Already, two million families have either been driven from their homes or are on the verge of foreclosure. Politicians didn't hold emergency sessions to solve their crisis. Half a million workers filed first-time unemployment last week. Congress didn't hold an emergency session for them. 47 million people can't go to the doctor when they're sick. The President and Congress have taken no special action for them.

Demonstration at
the Capitol Building

Thursday, October 2, 10am
Independence and New Jersey Ave. SE
South Side of the U.S. Capitol

Washington, D.C.

Initiated by VoteNoBailout.org, supported by the ANSWER Coalition and ImpeachBush

Click this link to lend your name to the endorsers' list.
Click this link to download a flyer for the protest

We stopped Bush and the bankers yesterday. We need to take action to stop them again when Congress comes back into session on Thursday. If passed, the bailout would have constituted one of the biggest transfers of wealth in U.S. history from working families to the richest bankers. Your support is urgently needed to organize activities and distribute literature to make sure the people's victory not be overturned. Click this link to make a donation.

"Hundreds of thousands of people have sent letters and called their Congressional representatives demanding that they vote No to the bailout legislation," said Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, a civil rights attorney in Washington, D.C and a spokesperson for VoteNoBailout.org. "This was a David and Goliath battle pitting average working families against the richest bankers in the country. The only reason that we prevailed today in the House of Representatives was the avalanche of political opposition at the grassroots. People perceived this legislation to be a giant rip-off of the tax-dollars of working families, and rewarding the bankers who have driven the economy into the ground," she continued.

The VoteNoBailout.org website, a project created last week by ImpeachBush.org, has attracted extensive support throughout the country. Over 170,000 letters were sent through the website to Congress within the last week. Click this link to send your letter to Congress.

We demand:

* An immediate moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and rent hikes.
* Extend unemployment benefits at full pay for everyone without a job.
* Open the books of the banks for public inspection
* Criminal prosecution of banking, finance, insurance and all other executives whose companies have benefited from the foreclosure crisis.
* An end to the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, which cost $430 million per day.
* Hurricane and flood victims must receive full assistance and have the right to return to their homes.
* Creation and funding of jobs programs throughout the country to eliminate unemployment.

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