Help Anti-War Veterans Spread the Word:
Send this Amazing Video Everywhere
Join veterans and service members as they
take to the streets on March 20!
Please watch and share this powerful video with everyone you know! |
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InMarch of 2003, I was sent to invade Iraq amidst the largest anti-wardemonstrations in history, with an equally senseless war already beingwaged in Afghanistan. Myself, and countless other veterans, wentbelieving the lies spewed by Washington, but saw first hand thecriminal and imperial nature of that war, and every war waged by theU.S. Our experiences compelled us to stand up and fight back.
Manyof us joined together to form March Forward!, and have been buildingresistance to these wars, both in and out of the military. This videowas made by our members, all of whom are veterans and active dutysoldiers, to help us publicize the next step in our struggle to end thewars—the national mass anti-war protests in Washington D.C., LosAngeles, and San Francisco on March 20th, seven years after the brutalinvasion of Iraq.
Help us make our voices heard. We need you allbehind us on March 20th to stand united against the crimes of thisgovernment—but we also need your help in spreading the word. Pleasecirculate the above video to everyone you can, and be a part of the growingmovement against the U.S. war machine.
Visit to learn more about how to get involved.
To learn more about March Forward! please visit
In solidarity,
Mike Prysner
Click this link to hear Prysner's testimony from the Winter Soldier hearings