What you can do on March 20

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What you can do on March 20

Afghanistan coffin March 21March 21 coffins

The March 20 National March on Washington to demand "U.S. Out of Afghanistan and Iraq Now" is shaping up to be a dramatic and highly significant demonstration.

People will be coming to D.C. by bus, van, car, train, plane and metro from over 50 different cities and towns across the East Coast, South and Midwest. Large numbers of veterans, service members, and their families; members of the Arab and Muslim community; students and teachers; representatives of local anti-war and peace groups; and many others are mobilizing to join the demonstration.

We will gather at 12 noon at the White House (Lafayette Park on the north side).

We will march from the White House, making stops at the offices of Halliburton, Washington Post, Mortgage Bankers Association of America, National Endowment for Democracy and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

On the march, we will carry hundreds of coffins representing the victims of war from Iraq to Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, and the U.S. GIs who have been killed in the various fronts of these wars of aggression. We will deliver the coffins to the doorsteps of those who profit from and promote these wars.

There are several ways that you can be a part of this important action:

1) Be part of a team that carries a coffin in the march
2) Bring a coffin to carry in the march
3) Participate in the worksession to prepare the coffins

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Where and Why We Are Marching

White House (start and end of the march)
The White House is the decision-making center of the U.S. empire, where all high-level decision on war and occupation are ultimately made.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Faced with few and inadequate services, veterans are increasingly left to cope with the devastating psychological and physical impact of war on their own. Soldier suicides now surpass combat-related deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Once headed by former Vice President Dick Cheney, Halliburton has become synonymous with war profiteering.

Washington Post
This "independent media" has been a staunch supporter of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and continues to operate as an apologist for U.S. aggression.

National Endowment for Democracy
As NED founder Allen Weinstein put it, the NED does overtly what the CIA used to do covertly. The NED has been responsible for numerous government destabilization operations in Latin America over the past three decades.

Mortgage Bankers Association of America
While war rages abroad, it also wages against working people at home. The housing crisis, driven by speculation from mortgage bankers, made the profits-over-people orientation of Wall Street and Washington clearer than ever.

M21 coffins combined vertical 2 

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Please make an urgently needed donation to support our March 20 student travel fund!

Make a generous donation to help high school students travel to Washington D.C. for the March on Washington. It costs a lot for organizations to rent buses and for individuals to buy tickets to come to Washington, D.C. We are setting up a scholarship fund to help cover the transportation costs for high school students. How much we can provide will be based on how much we raise. Please click here to make a generous donation and help a new generation of activists take their place in today's anti-war movement.

More information about March 20 is available at www.AnswerCoalition.org.

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