Baltimore forum: Gulf of Mexico disaster PLUS Defending immigrant rights

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Baltimore Forum:
BP's Gulf of Mexico catastrophe
A “capitalist-made” disaster
Who will pay the price?

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Deepwater Horizon Explosion 

Saturday, May 22 at 1 p.m.
Peace and a Cup of Joe
713 West Pratt St
(between Martin Luther King Jr Blvd & Penn St)

200,000 gallons of oil a day, or more, are gushing into the Gulf of Mexico with the flow of oil growing. The poisonous devastation to human beings, jobs, wildlife, natural habitat and fragile ecosystems will go on for decades.

The current estimated cost is already at about $14 billion. That number will grow rapidly.

Who is responsible? Who will pay the price?

Join us for an in depth analysis and discussion of:

  • The criminal negligence of the CEO, Board of Directors and senior management of BP.
  • The role of BP in Iran and Iraq, historically and today.
  • The complicity of the U.S. government for giving BP the right to make billions of dollars by conducting ultra-hazardous oil drilling a mile deep into the ocean floor without having to provide backup plans for a potential catastrophe.
  • The case for the government seizure of BP's assets to provide comprehensive compensation and relief for those who have lost their jobs and whose livelihoods, homes and communities have been severely harmed or destroyed and to clean up and restore the environment.
Immigrant rights demo

PLUS: Fighting the right and defending immigrant rights

Come to hear presentations and participate in a discussion:

  • Who is behind recent right-wing demonstrations and legislation?
  • What social and class forces do they represent?
  • What can we do to organize and fight back?

Contact: 443-378-9253 - [email protected] -

This event is organized by the PSL, a member organization of ANSWER.

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