ANSWER Coalition Video Interview on Breaking News on Afghanistan

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ANSWER Coalition Interview on
Breaking News on Afghanistan

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Attend the ANSWER Coalition workshop at the U.S. Social Forum in Detroit

"Building an anti-racist anti-war movement: From the frontlines of Iraq and Afghanistan to the unemployment lines in the USA"
Thursday, June 24 at 10 am
Location: Cobo Hall: D2-11

Featuring Mike Prysner, an Iraq war veteran and co-founder of the veterans and service members organization March Forward!, whose gripping Winter Soldier testimony about the brutal and racist character of the occupation forces in Iraq has been viewed 1.5 million times.

The Obama administration and the Pentagon know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan. Yet they are still sending tens of thousands more soldiers and marines to kill and be killed.

The country learned today that the Pentagon is spending $2.16 billion of taxpayer money each year to pay the Taliban and other Afghan forces not to shoot at military convoys as they bring in supplies for the U.S. occupation. This revelation comes through a Congressional subcommittee report.

See this four-minute interview with Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition broadcast this afternoon on these late-breaking developments.

At the same time, General Stanley McChrystal's interview in Rolling Stone Magazine is just one more indicator of the demoralization and disarray that is an inevitable consequence of a failed military adventure. It also demonstrates the contempt of the Pentagon high command for civilian elected officials, including the White House, who, according to the Constitution, are their superiors.  This, in spite of the fact that President Obama has at each and every turn taken his cue from the Pentagon authorities who had originally been given their positions by the Bush administration.

Yet more and more rank-and-file members of the military are turning against the war, while the Pentagon and its generals do everything they can to hang on to a colonial-type war that cannot be won. Many organizations, including the ANSWER Coalition and March Forward!, an organization of service members and veterans against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, are stepping up their outreach to soldiers, marines, veterans and military families. In the coming weeks and months, there will be increased actions against the war in Afghanistan—be sure to sign up for actions alerts at

ANSWER volunteers work around the clock but we need financial support too to carry out all the organizing activities! Please make an urgently needed tax-deductible donation today to help continue this work. We can't do it without you!



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