5 reasons why General Petraeus is a war criminal

This drone strike in Yemen is a product of Petraeus's insistence on bombing the country--and bombing the funerals of its victims.

Former top military commander and CIA director General David Petraeus was recently hired at the City University of New York as a high-priced lecturer and the University of Southern California as a “veterans’ advisor.” He has been handed these esteemed positions despite the fact that he is the known perpetrator of war crimes, with the blood of thousands of U.S. troops and even more Iraqi and Afghan civilians on his hands.

Students at CUNY have been protesting regularly to kick this war criminal off campus. In Los Angeles, USC was already forced to cancel one event with Petraeus under threat of a protest spearheaded by March Forward! veterans and the ANSWER Coalition—but now Petraeus is trying to sneak back in. Click here for details about the LA protest outside his event on Oct. 8.

There are many reasons to protest Petraeus and institutions which promote him as a role model.  Here is a short list of Petraeus’s war crimes and crimes against humanity:

Join Iraq & Afghanistan veterans, students and community members for an anti-war picket outside Petraeus's speaking event at USC on Oct. 8. Click here for details.

If you cannot attend, please click here to make a donation to make this important action possible. Keep up the pressure on war criminals, from LA to NYC!

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