Al-Awda Palestinian Nakba Midwest Regional Rally

The ANSWER Coalition encourages its supporters to participate in the following demonstration organized by Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Saturday, May 13
3:00 p.m.
Dearborn, Michigan
Henry Ford Centennial Library

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From Al-Awda:

17991943_272148893244640_312628951578566323_n.jpgPlease join the Al-Awda Midwest 69th Palestinian Nakba Rally Commemoration in Dearborn, Michigan! We must stand by the beleaguered Palestinian people all over the world who are still enduring the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) 69 years and counting! Let us stand together and tell the world that we will never forget our ancestral homeland, Palestine!

The only correction to the Palestinian Nakba if there ever is one, is to Return the Palestinian Refugees HOME to Palestine! The courageous Palestinian people and their supporters will never accept anything short of the Right Of Return as it is the primary foundation of the Palestinian Struggle! Do not ever be deceived by anyone or any organization that tells you otherwise. Without the Right Of Return of the Palestinian Refugees our struggle would no longer be Palestinian!

All justice seeking people and organizations are welcome to endorse, attend and support this public Palestinian led Nakba Rally! Thank you for your unconditional support of the Palestinian Struggle! Long live Palestine!

The location and address of this Al-Awda Midwest Regional Palestinian Nakba Rally is: Henry Ford Centennial Library 16301 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126. There will be plenty of free parking! This is a prime location for visibility in Dearborn! See you there together for our noble Palestinian Struggle!

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