An appeal from ANSWER SF: Help make March 25 a success

Dear ,

Ramsey Clark

Gloria La Riva

Dr. Henry Clark

Mike Prysner

The ANSWER Coalition in partnership with the Unitarian Universalists for Peace-S.F., will sponsor a teach-in, “War Crimes and Regime Change in the Middle East,” on Sunday March 25. Present will be a panel of speakers focusing on the real and immense costs of the Iraq war, and the danger of new wars in the region. This panel will be headed by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who will speak at both the S.F. event and similar events in Los Angeles, Washington DC and other cities.

We are appealing for your support to help make these important events as successful as possible. There are expenses involved for speakers’ travel, flyers, posters, logistics and media. We are planning to produce a video of the teach-in for widespread distribution to schools, unions, religious and community organizations.

In his Jan. 26 State of the Union message, President Obama – who won the 2008 election as an opponent of the Iraq war – proclaimed that the war “has made the United States safer and more respected around the world.” No mention at all of the unimaginable death and destruction inflicted on Iraq, nor the thousands of U.S. soldiers killed and wounded in a war that will end up costing more than $3 trillion. Many other political leaders have echoed the president.

This triumphalist and dishonest presentation of a war fought entirely on false pretenses must not go unchallenged. Exposing the real, horrific costs of the Iraq war is a matter of fundamental justice for the victims, and at the same time a means of resistance against the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan and the threat of new wars against Iran, Syria and elsewhere. The recent massacre of 16 Afghan civilians only underscores the urgency of our task. Please make an urgently needed donation now to help us cover the many expenses associated with this important forum.

Along with Ramsey Clark, speakers will include: Mike Prysner, Iraq war veteran and co-founder of March Forward, an organization of vets and active-duty service members; Gloria La Riva, activist and award-winning maker of the video “Genocide by Sanctions: The Case of Iraq;” and clinical psychologist Dr. Jess Ghannam on the health impact of war and occupation. There will also be time for questions and discussion.

Mark Sunday, March 25 on your calendar today. Purchase your ticket online now at the special price of $10 for a guaranteed seat. Limited seating will be available.

In addition to attending the March 25 teach-in, there are several ways that you can help:

Thanks in advance for your support,

Richard Becker signature

Richard Becker
Western Region Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition


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