August 13 Millions March in Harlem

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English (1-sided)
English-Spanish (2-sided)

Jobs, Not War contingent
Assemble at ANSWER Office
Saturday, August 13, 10am
2295 Adam Clayton Powell (near 135th St)

March to Rally at 110th St. and Lenox Ave.

We are facing the most serious economic crisis this country has seen in decades. Millions are out of work. Education and social services are being slashed. The government tells us there is no money.

Yet when it comes to funding the war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, there is never a question of coming up with money. And now the Pentagon is launching a new war on the African continent with the bombing of Libya.

It’s time to fight back!

The "Millions March in Harlem" event has been initiated by the December 12th Movement, and endorsed by a wide range of organizations, around the key demands:

  • Stop the bombing of Libya
  • End the sanctions on Zimbabwe
  • Stop Bloomberg’s destruction of our communities

For more information on the march, visit or call (347) 737-3272

Jobs, Not War contingent

The ANSWER Coalition is actively mobilizing for Aug. 13 in Harlem, and will be joining with the Party for Socialism and Liberation and others for a “Jobs Not War” contingent.

All out for August 13th! U.S. Out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya!




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