Chicago: March for Justice, Power and Black & Brown Lives! 50th Anniversary of MLK March

August 06, 2016 at 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Western & Marquette
6700 S Western
Chicago, IL 60629
United States
Google map and directions

Assemble at Marquette Park (California and Marquette)
March to Alderman Edward Burke's Office
(Burke is the author of the proposed racist Blue Lives Matter ordinance in Chicago)

The time is now to keep marching for justice. On the 50th Anniversary of the Chicago Freedom Movement march that started in Marquette Park, people from all communities in Chicago and with diverse calls for justice will be converging to demand justice for the victims of racist police terror and to stop the racist Blue Lives Matter ordinance proposed by alderman Edward Burke.

The Chicago Blue Lives Matter ordinance, which would outrageously give hate crime protections to the police, is in reality an attack on Black Lives Matter and allĀ working and poor people. It is meant to isolate the Black community and silence protest. The ordinance is meant to further shield police officers from accountability--police officers who everyday kill, harass and brutalize with impunity. At its core, Blue Lives Matter = White Supremacy.

We must not be silenced. We must keep marching. We must respond to the attempts to divide us with greater and stronger unity. Let's build a new multinational mass movement that can defeat racism once and for all.

Justice for Victims of Police Murder and Brutality: Jail all Racist Killer Cops!
Stop the Chicago Blue Lives Matter Ordinance!
Money for Jobs and Education, Not for Racist Police and Mass Incarceration!
Unite to Fight all Forms of Bigotry!

Nanica Brown Abdel Elsiddig Rashieda Weaver Justin Giuliano Austin Meerzo Lamon Reccord Carolyn Ruff Brenna O'Brien Nik Spayne John Beacham Gerardo Calvillo Sean Pavey Jim Rudd Kevin Brouillette Katherine Cavanaugh Janeth Vazquez Zerlina Smith Nia Martin Sophia Jelsma Ciju Francis Patrick McWilliams

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