Emergency demonstrations in solidarity with Egyptian people
Down with the U.S.-backed Mubarak dictatorship
End U.S. support for the Mubarak dictatorship!
Victory to the Egyptian People!
Following the popular revolt that overthrew the U.S.-allied dictatorship in Tunisia, the Egyptian people have taken to the streets in the hundreds of thousands demanding the fall of another U.S. client dictator, Hosni Mubarak. The U.S. gives $2 billion per year to prop up the Mubarak dictatorship. Egypt is second only to Israel as the largest receipient of U.S. "foreign aid." That "assistance" has been used to buy the tear gas and other weapons and equipment that are killing Egyptian people attempting to exercise their right to protest and speak out.
Saturday, January 29
12 noon
In front of the Egyptian Embassy
3521 International Court Northwest
Click here to download printable placards.
For an important analysis of the underlying political situation, please read this statement.
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