Fight Back! Southern California Women's Organizing Conference

The ANSWER Coalition actively supports the work of Women Organized to Resist and Defend (WORD)

WORD: Women Organized to Resist and Defend

June 29, 2013, 12noon
Unite Here Local 11 building

464 Lucas Ave
Downtown LA, California

[email protected] or 323-596-7340

Join Women Organized to Resist and Defend (WORD) and other feminist and women’s organizations for a regional Women’s Organizing Conference. Come connect with other activists, students, labor organizers and women of all ages from throughout Southern California for a day of learning, sharing experiences and building the movement for equality for women.

Click here to pre-register for this important conference!

The last few years have seen a shocking number of attacks on women: on our rights, on our bodies and on our lives. In 2011 more restrictions on women’s right to abortion were enacted than in any other year in US history, and 2012 saw the second-highest number of restrictions passed. Politicians, legislators and the religious right are working furiously to strip away our rights on the state and federal level. In response to the financial crisis created by the big banks, the government is implementing severe budget cuts, which are rapidly eliminating the social programs that poor and low-income women depend on. Access to healthcare—including contraception and abortion—childcare, housing, welfare and other benefits are being slashed across the country.

On the job, women still earn less than men on average, at level of education, across every occupation. The United States is still the only developed nation in the world that does not guarantee paid maternity leave for women workers. 

In the United States and elsewhere, violence against women is tolerated and often condoned. 1.3 million women are raped every year and one in four experiences violence at the hands of a current or former intimate partner.

But women are fighting back. We are tired of politicians playing political football with our lives. We are taking to the streets to win back our rights and create a better world for our sisters. WORD Los Angeles has led and participated in numerous actions for women’s rights all over Southern California.

Join us and our allies on Saturday, June 29th to learn more about this important struggle and how you can be part of the new, fighting movement to defend women’s rights.

There will be speakers, workshops, discussion and opportunities for action. Get involved in the fight for women's rights! Click here to pre-register!

Conference Workshops and Topics Include:

• The fight for reproductive rights: Building the movement to gain access to safe legal abortion, birth control and contraception for all!
• Defend women in the workplace: Women in the labor movement and fighting for equality on the job!
• Stop Violence Against Women – Smash Rape Culture: Building the movement  to end violence against women!
• Full equality for all:  Women in the struggle against racism, for immigrants rights, for LGBT rights and equality for all!

...and much more!

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