2969 Mission St (at 26th St
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
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Doors open at 6pm for reception
(“Stunning cinematography with engaged and compassionate storytelling…” Cinema Politica, Montreal)
The Wixárika — Huichol — people of the Sierra Madre region of Mexico, are one of the last pre-Hispanic cultures alive in Latin America. They are at the forefront of a crusade to protect life and their sacred land, “Wirikuta” against giant mining companies.
This outstanding new documentary, produced 2014 (120 min.) by Argentinian filmmaker Hernán Vilchez, has won international awards, including at the International Environmental Film Festival.
We are honored to debut the film and host Vilchez and two Mara’kate — Huichol spiritual leaders — father and son protagonists, who will introduce the film and offer a spiritual ceremony before the film.
Proceeds will go towards development projects in the Wixarika community.
$5-20 donation requested. Wheelchair accessible.