Dear ,
The ANSWER Coalition wanted to share with you an email from Justice First in support of the actions tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 27, organized jointly by the various postal unions.
Download the leaflet and signs to take with you to the Sept. 27 rallies |
When the government demands the layoff of 120,000 unionized postal workers, the closings of thousands of post offices and mail processing centers and begins the assault on collective bargaining rights, all of us must join together and say NO!
We urge everyone to stand with the postal workers this Tuesday, Sept. 27, for a national day of action to protect the United States Postal Service (USPS) and save 120,000 jobs.
Rallies are happening everywhere tomorrow. Most take place from 4–5:30 p.m. local time.
What Governor Scott Walker did to public sector workers in Wisconsin is being attempted on a national scale against postal workers.
As in Wisconsin, this is everyone’s fight.
Click here to find the Sept. 27 rallies near you.
Corporate America and their attack dogs in Congress want to privatize the Postal Service and turn it into a vessel for their own super-profits.
That’s why they are seeking to weaken and crush the postal unions by reducing the number of workers, putting the unions on the defensive with the threat of more layoffs and introducing legislation in Congress that shreds the collective bargaining agreements that have been secured by the unions.
The “budgetary crisis” at the Postal Service is artificial. Please read, share and distribute this downloadable leaflet produced by Justice First that exposes the lies and tells the truth about how corporate-backed politicians are creating a crisis to privatize one of the most important and cherished institutions in the United States—the U.S. Postal Service. On our Downloads page, you can also find printable signs to take with you to the rallies.
If these cuts go through, it won’t just hurt USPS workers. It will hurt all of us.
Members of the four USPS employee unions—the Postal Workers, Letter Carriers, Mail Handlers and Rural Letter Carriers—and community allies will rally in every congressional district to let people know what’s at stake for our families and neighbors and to urge lawmakers to save the USPS by supporting H.R. 1351, as a first step.
We can’t sit by and allow the step by step destruction of the Postal Service by the corporate privatizers. By uniting and fighting back we can win. That’s the only way forward.
See you in the streets on Sept. 27.
All of us at Justice First