In cities across the country, friends of the Venezuelan people will gather to mourn the death of President Hugo Chávez Frías and show solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, which continues despite his tragic passing. Below is a listing of events taking place nationwide supported by the ANSWER Coalition. This list will be updated as new gatherings are announced.
New York City
Comrade Hugo Chávez Frías, PRESENTE!
Friday, March 8 at 6:30pm
1199 SEIU auditorium
310 West 43rd Street
Join the event on Facebook
Washington, D.C.
Commemorate and Celebrate the Life of Our Beloved President, Hugo Chávez Frías
Saturday, March 9, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Simon Bolivar Plaza, 18th Street between Virginia and C Streets NW
Join the event on Facebook
San Francisco
Marcha de Homenaje a Chávez/March in Honor of Chávez
Sunday, March 10 at 1:00pm
24th and Mission St.
Join the event on Facebook
Los Angeles
Our Tribute to Chávez/Nuestro Tributo a Chávez
Sunday, March 10 at 5:00pm
Emanuel Presbyteri
3300 Wilshire Blvd
Join the event on Facebook
Washington D.C.
Memorial Service for President Hugo Chávez Frías
Tuesday, March 12th, 6:30pm
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
1525 Newton Street