Following is the latest update from Prison Radio on the urgent status of Mumia Abu-Jamal's case. The ANSWER Coalition encourages everyone to read and take action.
From Prison Radio:
May 6, 2015.
On Saturday May 2nd, Pam Africa and Abdul Jon visited Mumia Abu-Jamal at SCI Mahanoy. He was weak, stable, and alert. The visit ended so that he could get rest. Mumia is still in the infirmary. He has been able to call his wife Wadiya Jamal. After being denied a visit on Monday, (the prison is closed for any visits on Tues & Wed) on Thursday, Mumia's Attorney Bret Grote Abolitionist Law Center met with Mumia for 3.5 hrs. This was in the immediate wake of Grote having submitted an expert medical recommendation letter to the Dept. of Corrections. This letter from Mumia's doctor outlined the need for Mumia to undergo immediate and thorough diagnostic tests in search for the cause of his persistent and recently life threatening conditions. Conditions which the prison has allowed to become nearly lethal.
On Friday, prison medical staff informed Mumia that they were going to proceed with the first diagnostic test recommended in the expert medical letter. This skin biopsy occurred Monday. Oversight and close monitoring of these tests is crucial. The prison is preventing Mumia and Mumia's doctors from adequate oversight and input. Because communication is being limited by prison officials Mumia does not have access quickly enough to information he needs to advocate for his own care. We are clear that Inadequate testing, delays, and any deviation from the medically necessary course of treatment, will be challenged by Grote's legal team, whom are prepared to act.
Obtaining a diagnosis is of paramount importance at this moment.
Mumia remains seriously ill. Public pressure has been key every step of the way, and remains extremely important. Please keep up the calls, emails and faxes. Demand that (1) Adequate diagnostic testing be done (2) That Mumia's doctor is able to communicate freely and regularly with the prison infirmary physicians who are delivering Mumia's medical care (3) His doctor has meaningful and regular phone access with Mumia. (There are no phones in the infirmary, his calls are limited to 15 mins and and he has limited access to the day room where the phones are). (4) And allow Mumia's chosen doctor to conduct an onsite medical examination.
Noelle Hanrahan, P.I. Director Prison Radio
Call now:
Often when we call in, prison and state officials have taken their lines off the hook. Know that every single action matters, even when they don't pick up. If they don't answer, please leave a voicemail:
- John Wetzel, PA Secretary of Corrections: (717) 728-4109
- Governor Tom Wolf: (717) 787-2500
- SCI Mahanoy: (570) 773-2158, then dial zero
For a more complete list of addresses and faxes etc visit
Source: Prison Radio