Wisconsin workers lead the way:
Victory will be won in the streets!
March 19 International Day of Action:
Say NO to the war abroad & NO to the war at home!
Fight for Jobs & Education! NO to Racism!
![]() Workers and students in Wisconsin are leading the way—Our victory will be won in the streets! |
Boston Rally and March
Southwest Corridor Park
MBTA: Orange Line to Ruggles
(click here for map)
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has signed his anti-labor legislation that strips public-sector workers of their collective bargaining rights--but workers, students and supporters are staying in the streets in an impressive show of force. Their steadfastness has turned Wisconsin into the center of resistance to the war on workers’ rights and living conditions that is being fought out across the country.
On March 19, the eighth anniversary of the Iraq war, we will step up our struggle with demonstrations against the war abroad and at home in Boston as well as Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and other cities in the U.S. and around the world. The inspiring example of Wisconsin workers on the heels of the Egyptian revolution shows that a fightback movement is on the rise. It is time to turn up the heat.
The war on oppressed peoples abroad and the war on workers at home are one and the same. U.S. imperialist aggression has created millions of homeless refugees, shuttered factories and hospitals, and left schools in shambles throughout Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine—and is paid for with billions in tax dollars that could fund housing, jobs, health care and education at home.
The Boston School Committee—the puppet regime hand-picked by the mayor to preside over public education—has slated seventeen schools for closure and is about to introduce more cutbacks. The Boston police occupy our streets committing crimes against Black and Latino communities with impunity, and have voluntarily joined hands with the state government to terrorize immigrants through the “Secure Communities” racial profiling program.
It doesn’t have to be this way. The people of Afghanistan are courageously fighting back against the U.S. occupation. Iraqis have taken to the streets by the thousands to protest living conditions as U.S. troops continue to occupy their country aided by a subservient regime. The Palestinian people are still standing despite the U.S.-backed Israeli blockade. And in the U.S., Wisconsin workers and students are leading the way.
It’s time to fight back! Join us on March 19 in Boston for a rally and march starting at 12 noon at Southwest Corridor Park (Orange line to Ruggles). On the eighth anniversary of the war, let’s make our voices heard loud and clear: NO to war abroad and NO to war at home!
We will hold a work session to make placards, banners and other materials on Wed., March 16 at 6:30pm. Come meet other activists and help us prepare for the March 19 demonstration! (33 Harrison Ave., 5th floor, Chinatown)
Initiated by ANSWER Boston: To endorse the March 19th demonstration, click here.
For more information and to get involved, contact ANSWER Boston:
BostonAnswer.org - [email protected] - (857) 334-5084