From the website of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
The following Cuban and Cuban American organizations in Miami jointly sponsor an event which will celebrate the restoration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba as well as the release from prison by presidential pardons of the remaining three members of the Cuban Five.
These organizations are [listed in alphabetical order]: Alianza Martiana, Antonio Maceo Brigade, Cuba Puentes, Cuban Americans for Engagement (CAFE), Cuban American Defense League, Foundation for Normalization of US/Cuba Relations (ForNorm), Generación Cambio Cubano, La Tarde se Mueve, Jewish Solidarity, Progreso Weekly, and Radio Miami.
At this historic occasion we take the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to continue our work until full normalization of relations between the two countries has been achieved and to redouble our efforts in order to promptly lift the economic, financial, and commercial embargo imposed against Cuba by the United States, codified in the Helms-Burton Act of 1996, in violation of the United Nations Charter and International Law, as evidenced by continuous, multiple, and virtually unanimous Resolutions by the General Assembly of the United Nations. And as president Barack Obama also recently asked a Joint Session of Congress in his State of the Union speech.
The event will recognize Wayne Smith, distinguished professor and diplomat, Chief of Mission of the United States Interests Section in Havana from 1979 to 1982 for his meritorious and tireless efforts to achieve full normalization of relations between the two countries.
Guest of honor will also be Gloria La Riva, Coordinator of the U.S. National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. Since the summer of 2001, the start of the national and international campaign demanding the freedom of the Cuban Five, Gloria has been able to very aptly organize the commendable and essential work of the National Committee for more than 13 long years.
DATE, PLACE AND TIME OF THE EVENT: Sunday, February 1, 2015, Embassy Suites Hotel, 3974 N.W. South River Dr., Miami, Key Largo Room, at 2:30 p.m.
The hotel is located across Le Jeune Rd. from Miami International Airport near the 112 Expressway.
Additional Information: 305 643-5481; 786- 683-8241; 305- 757-3113.
Also: Elena Freyre [email protected], Andrés Gómez[email protected]