National day of action: NOT 1 MORE DEPORTATION!

On April 5th, people across the country will be rallying to tell the President, “NOT ONE MORE DEPORTATION!”

For months heroic, militant actions led by undocumented youth have challenged the cruel, inhumane and racist deportations carried out by the U.S. government. In states all across the country, organizers and activists have been putting their bodies on the line, blocking ICE buses and offices, in response to record deportations by the Obama Administration.

All deportations should end immediately--and mass action can win that demand. A broad coalition of immigrants' rights organizations are calling for nationally-coordinated demonstrations to take place on April 5 to call for an end to this brutal policy. The ANSWER Coalition supports this call, and urges its supporters to take to the streets and build the movement for immigrants' rights.

Click here to see a listing of events

To help promote the national day of action, NDLON partnered with Cuéntame on a new video you can watch below.  Please repost it to spread the word and make it clear its been #2million2many deportations!

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